In order to be able to register this instance again to Edge2Cloud, the cloud.ks file in the FIN directory needs to be deleted to clear the identity it had before. This The cloud.ks file would have to be deleted when connected to the FIN instance locally directly for security reasons.
To do this, follow the below steps.
Connect to the FIN instance locally directly not via Edge2Cloud
Open the Folio app → Launch
Run this function:
Refresh the browser and try to re-register the instance again (a restart reboot of the F200 is not required)
My snapshot fails to download, what can I do?
This issue occurs when a project is likely to have some large files that are typically over 200MB in size. If you come across this on small devices such as F200, you can get around by increasing the HTTPS Timeout property to about 10mins10 minutes. However, we don’t recommend keeping this long timeout for long periods of time 10 minute timeout as the default period for performance reasons.
The HTTPS Timeout property can be found in the Host → Settings → under the HTTP section.
How to delete a project on an F200?
To delete a project inside an F200, use the following steps:
Log into the project to be deleted.
Go to Folio → Launch.
Enter the query below with the projName project name and current date.
Code Block projDelete(@p:demo,"2024-01-01")
Replace “demo” with whatever your project name is.
Replace “2024-01-01” with the current date (YYYY-MM-DD format).Code Block projDelete(@p:demo,"2024-01-01")
Refresh and that’s it.
Refresh the browser page.
The Host page will appear and the project will no longer exist. A
reboot of the F200 is not required.