Inside this second drop-down menu select the "Create History Report" option. This will bring up the "Create CSV History Report"
The following options will be available:
- Title: This will be the title of the report so user can easily identify it. This title will become the name of the job and will be part of the file name.
- Filter: Type in a axon query or use the Filter button to the right to select which points history should be gathered for.
- Select a time frame: This combo box contains options for the history time span.
- Select a user email: This combo box contains available users with emails to have the report sent to.
- Send the report: This comb box contains options for when to generate the report.
- Organize Columns: Checking this box will allow the user to organize the order of the columns of the history report.
To edit or delete the job created, the user can go into the Job app.
The job will have a description of "History for " followed by the filtercan be identified by looking for the title given to the report.
File Location
All reports generated by History Report can be found by going to the io folder of the project. EX: C:/Program Files(x86)/FIN Stack/db/demo/io/CSV.
Each time a report is created it's naming scheme will be the title of the report followed by the date it was created. EX: My Report on 2015-10-20, My Report on 2015-11-20, ect.