If you get the below his error after changing the timezome in Niagara through Platform Administration > Change Date/Time, then you'll have to do the below steps to resolve it. These are for points being synchronized with Niagara his data.
Steps to resolve his error
- You'll need to do a hisRewrite on all the points coming from that Niagara station. Basically need to make sure they are updated with the correct and matching timezone with Niagara. Ask support for this query.
- Then you'll also The user will need to sync the point timezones with the siteand his timezones in FIN Stack. On the Site in DB Builder, you'll want to pick the same timezone that is in Niagara and sync that to all points.
- Then run the job again.
- Thats it, now all points and his data should have the same timezone as Niagara.