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Managing Backups

The UI for managing backups is located within the host app.

A user must have super user permissions to manage host settings and hence view, download and create backups. Any associated server side Axon functions or REST APIs must enforce the super user role check.

  • The name of the new tab is called Backups.

  • The backups view contains a tabular list of all backups made so far.

  • A user can manually create, delete and download backups from this view.

  • When a backup is created…

    • The user is asked for a password that must meet all the security requirements used by FIN for passwords.

    • The UI must show a progress bar of the backup being created.

    • If the user navigates away from the host app and returns, the UI must show the state of backup being made.

    • Once a backup has been created, the table must be updated with the latest information.

  • When a backup is deleted, the user must be first asked whether they are sure they want to delete the backup.

  • If a UI is being served using Edge2Cloud and the user clicks to download a backup, the user must be redirected instead to the Edge2Cloud device summary page.

    • A cloud user has the {{cloudUser}} marker tag on the user record.

A backup can be uploaded to Edge2Cloud via this UI.


Table of Contents

Automate Cloud Backup

The option to automate backup remotely can be done under two locations within FIN:

  1. DB Builder

  2. Folio Menu

Verify Edge2Cloud is connected

Ensure Edge2Cloud is registered with a working project to enable cloud backup.

1. Select App Launcher icon located on the upper left

2. Select Cloud tile under End User applications

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3. Under Edge2Cloud settings, verify the status is displaying Connected

  • If the status is Disconnected, select Register with Edge2Cloud and login into the Edge2Cloud account.

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DB Builder - Snapshot Tree

1. Select App Launcher icon located on the top left

2. Select DB Builder tile under System Integrator applications

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3. Select on Snapshots option

4. On the FIN snapshot overview, select and highlight a backup

5. Click on the Cloud button

6. The following form Upload to Cloud will open and display two options:

  • Rolling - overwrites the eldest rolling backup.

    • Edge2Cloud Stores 3 rolling backups per device (FIN instance)

    • The oldest rolling backup is automated deleted when the fourth backup is created.

  • Permanent - does not overwrite any permanent backups

    • Edge2Cloud stores five backups; if a sixth backup is created, an error will be thrown as permanent backups cannot be automatically overwritten

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7. After the progress bar reaches 100%, the FIN Snapshot overview will be updated with the latest information.

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Folio Menu - Folio Snapshot

1. Select App Launcher icon located on the upper left

2. Select Folio tile under Advanced applications

  • Select the Menu option

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3. Select the Snapshot option

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4. Select an existing snapshot

5. A drawer will be displayed, select the Cloud option

6. The following form Upload to Cloud will open and display two options:

  • Rolling - overwrites the eldest rolling backup.

    • Edge2Cloud Stores 3 rolling backups per device (FIN instance)


    • The oldest rolling backup is automated deleted when the fourth backup is created.

  • finProjBackup(@p:demo).finEdge2CloudCreateRollingBackupSync()


  • Permanent - does not overwrite any permanent backups

    • Edge2Cloud stores five backups; if a sixth backup is created, an error will be thrown as permanent backups cannot be automatically overwritten


The finEdge2CloudAllBackupTasks is used to poll what cloud backups are being created. This can be polled for the whether a cloud backup uploaded successfully or not including the backup progress.


The finEdge2CloudCancelBackupTask is used to cancel uploading a cloud backup.

  • The cloud backup progress and state must be shown in the backup table. It should automatically poll for changes and refresh.

Please note, some changes to finEdge2Cloud.pod need to be made to update the state of backup folio database with progress information.


This UI is the only UI used for managing cloud backups from FIN.

Automating backups and cloud backups

As well as manually creating backups, it’s important a user is able to automate the creation of a backup as well as upload it to Edge2Cloud.

This should be done via Axon functions that can create a backup. Consider…

Creates a new backup zip file an automatically generated date time postfix…

Code Block

Creates a new backup zip file with a specific name. If a backup file already exists then it should be automatically overridden…

Code Block

Please note: a backup name must be validated. It cannot contain any forward or back slashes. It must end with zip.

The Axon function is synchronous and returns a grid with the newly created backup information.

The Axon functions can be chained with the Edge2Cloud functions. For example…

Code Block

In the above example, the backup is created and then the file name is fed to the cloud backup function.

The grid returned from finHostBackup must contain a column called name with one row. The name is the name of the file in the /var/backups/ directory.

To be automated, these Axon functions can be added to a job. This should be documented for a user accordingly.


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7. Hover over the snapshot and it will display the last cloud upload


Another way to know if the backup is uploaded on the cloud is by the icon on the left

  • Cloud Icon: The backup is uploaded on the cloud

  • Photo Icon: The backup is located on the machine

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Edge2Cloud Backups Location

Once uploading a snapshot to the cloud, a user with the DeviceAdmin role can view, download or delete backup information. The backups are available as a tab under a device's summary page in the Edge2Cloud portal.

  1. Login to the organization in Edge2Cloud.

  2. Navigate to the Devices tab on the left menu or under the organization view and find the device in which the project belongs to.

  3. Once the device is found, click on it to get that device’s overview screen.

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  4. In the overview screen of that device, the user with the DeviceAdmin can find the “Backups” tab.

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  5. In the Backups tab is where the user can view, download, or delete the snapshots that were upload to the cloud.

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