The purpose of this form is to update Niagara with tags that were created in FinstackFIN Stack.
Must have version or newer of the nhaystack.jar for this to work:
Then the specified point gets updated in Niagara in terms of its tags.
Below is a list of the tags that don't get pushed back down to Niagara.
- id
- mod
- axAnnotated
- axStatus
- cur
- curDis
- curErr
- curStatus
- curVal
- dis
- disMacro
- equip
- equipRef
- floorRef
- haystackConnRef
- haystackCur
- his
- hisCollectInterval
- hisEnd
- hisEndVal
- hisErr
- hisId
- hisSize
- hisStart
- hisStatus
- kind
- navName
- navNameFormat
- point
- precision
- site
- siteRef
- tz
- writeErr
- writeLevel
- writeStatus
- writeVal