There are 2 different write levels available in FIN Stack: write level and connector write level ( in our current example we are talking about a Bacnet connector, so Bacnet write level).
The main differences between the 2 write levels are:
- any writable point will have the write level, but only a point from a Bacnet connector will have the Bacnet write level
- the write level will show the level where the point will be written inside the FIN Stack database, while the Bacnet write level will point to the input level where the point will be written inside the target database
For every point in FIN Stack that is made writable, in the properties sheet the user can find a Write Level. That is the level were the point gets written in the FIN Stack database (by default that is set to 17)
The user can also see the write array, by selecting the small icon next to the Is Writable field. Every time the user invokes any of the actions on the point, the array will display the written value at the proper level (For instance, a manual action is set by default to level 8).
For points that are connected, so they are basically coming from a connector like Bacnet, (or more specifically, a Bacnet device, in the example below), there is going to be an extra property called BacnetWriteLevel for any writable point. This level represents the level where the point is going to get written into the point on the Bacnet Device side. This property can be found in the main details window of the point as well.
Of course there is a Bacnet write array similar to the write array for the FIN Stack. To get this array, the user will select a Bacnet writable point and go under the Tools top menu option and select: Bacnet Priority Array. This will pop up a new window with the array showing what value has been written at what level and by whom has been written.
In our example this property is set to level 8. This is the default level that Bacnet points are going to get. This also means that if the value is changed in FIN Stack, then we will get the value on input 8 in the corresponding Bacnet point.
If the user wants to write the point at a different level then 8, the write level value needs to be changed to that value, either by typing in the desired value or by using the small arrows to select the value. Then the apply button at the bottom right corner needs to be selected.
Once the write level has been changed, nothing is going to happen on the Bacnet side. Only after the user has changed the value of the point in FIN Stack we will see that the new value will get in the new specified input field.
The user can also notice, that once the BacnetWriteLevel has been changed, the WriteLevel has changed automatically. In our current example we changed the BacnetWriteLevel to 10 and the WriteLevel has become 8 (from the original and default value 17)
If the BacnetWriteLevel changes can be seen in Bacnet Device, the WriteLevel changes can be seen in FIN Stack, by selecting the small 3 bars icons next to the Is Writable value field.