Schedule Weekly Events Fix

Schedule Weekly Events fix is a quick way to fix any schedules that have bad weekly events and merges any overlapping events.

How to use the fix

First the user will need to add the following trio through folio which will add the functions needed to fix the schedules.

Once the user has the function, they can then run the following query in folio that will go through each schedule and fix them: readAll(schedule).toRecIdList().fixAllScheduleOverlap()

If the user only wants to apply this to a specific schedule instead of all, they would run the below query that includes the id of the schedule: fixScheduleOverlap(@1e8d9e6a-ff7041a7)

If the user wants to fix multiple schedules but not all. They would run the query below with the ids of each schedule (don't forget the brackets and they are comma separated): fixAllScheduleOverlap([@1e8da9fe-504bf575,@1e8d9e6a-ff7041a7])