
The Historian app allows the users to create and manage charts of selected points trends.

Using Historian

To use the Historian, just select the Historian app on the menu.

When the Historian app is selected:

Add New Chart

Clicking this option will launch the Select prompt allowing the user to choose points for which trends will be displayed. 

NOTE: If you are building a chart on an equip that has other equips of the same type,
(like a ReheatVAV), you can select the 'Relative' option on the bottom left. Then if you save the chart,
the saved chart will appear in the Historian on every equip of that same type.

After the points are selected pressing the OK button will conclude the process and the trends will be displayed. 


Chart elements

The chart view displays the following:

Title Bar

This is where the title is displayed. Left of the title is the options button.

Time range

This is where the time range for which the trends are displayed. Clicking on the side buttons will display trends by one increment (day, week, month, year) back or forth.

The time range can be customized by clicking the middle button and choosing a suitable time interval.

Table and chart view

These buttons are located under the time range on the right side. They allow switching the view from chart to table and back. The selected option will also highlight the button. Hovering the mouse over the chart will display corresponding values.



Clicking on a trend name will toggle whether the trend is displayed or not. The trends that are not displayed will have the name greyed out. Useful for analyzing individual trends on charts with multiple progressions.

Download button

On the right side, there is a download button, allowing the trends to be saved as CSV, JSON or PDF documents.

Bottom Slider

This allows the user to focus on segments of the chart.

Settings Menu

Clicking the options button left of the title will draw out the Settings menu.

This presents the following options:

Save As

Launches the Save As form, allowing the user to choose a name for the chart and select either the default or a custom folder path for it.

Series Options

This launches the series settings menu in the main window, allowing trends customization.

In this menu the user can modify the following:


From the right side dropdown menu, a user can choose a suitable interval for the chart.


Here, the user can change the color, either by writing the hex-code or by choosing from the palette. To choose from the palette the user needs to click the color and it will be launched in a  dropdown 


This menu allows the user to choose how the trend is displayed.The options are available in the dropdown menu.


This allows the user to select a fold function for each trend.

Move to chart

Clicking on the arrow button will open the move to chart sidebar. In here, the user can merge similar charts, or move a trend to a separate chart.

Blue corner - current chart

Red corner- cannot be merged with that chart

Clean box- can be  added to the respective chart

Clicking the confirmation button will complete the process.

To save the changes under Series Options click the confirmation button in the upper right corner of the main window.

Chart Baseline

This allows setting a baseline for the chart. Clicking the option will launch the form where a user can set a baseline for the chart

Delete Chart

Launches the prompt to delete the current chart.


Will exit from the chart view. This will get the user back to the chart selection available on that level.

Launch View

Will display the chart in the main window. The same options from the sideview will be available. This allows a better look at the trends.