Apply Batch Tags

We have created an Apply Batch Tags form that allows the user to mass add/remove/edit tags in the database.

How to use Apply Batch Tags

1. The user will have to select on the Folio application which is under the Advanced Apps

2. Once Folio has launched, the user can select on the Tools button  located on the right

3. After the option has been selected there is going to be a popup window with required fields to execute what you want based on the filter and tags chosen. 

The required fields to fill out are:

  • Use this filter to find the records that you want to batch edit: This form will use the filter below to find a list of records, and then allow you to enter in a list of tags to add/edit/remove.
  • Enter in the list of tags you want to add or remove: the tags should be comma-separated, and should look like this: numTag:67%, boolTag:true, strTag:"Foo". Hint: you can use the - minus character to delete a tag. -tagName

4. When all the fields have been filled in, the user can hit Apply and the form move to the next stage.

5. This next stage will be a confirmation, if you want to reopen the form after applying then click the "Continue Tagging" box, finally click Yes to continue.


Before executing anything with Apply Batch Tags, we recommend you run the filter query in folio to make sure it searches what you are looking for and not other extra stuff

Once you are more confident in what you are filtering, you can skip that step.

How to add/remove tags

First figure out what it is you are looking for and then add that in the first slot provided.

In this case, I want to find all my equipment that are vavs.

Then for the second slot provided, enter the tags you would like to add or remove.

Here I want to add a marker tag called heating, removing a marker tag called cooling, adding a numeric property tag called order with a value of 0.

Examples for adding property tags - numTag:67%, boolTag:true, strTag:"Foo". Hint: you can use the - minus character to delete a tag. -tagName. If no value is provided, it will become a marker tag.

Now if we look at the vav equipment, you can see the tags that got added and removed.

How to make a connected point not writable

If for some reason some points brought in to have the writable and actions enabled

In our example, we are removing them from all haystack points. In your case, you can use navName or tags found on the points you wish to remove the actions on

The following tags need to be removed:

  • writable - because the point isn't writable
  • haystackWrite (or bacnetWrite) - need to remove the reference to which the point is supposedly trying to write too
  • haystackWriteLevel (or bacnetWriteLevel) - part of the previous one specifying the level to write to it on the device
  • actions - if its writable, it doesn't need the actions tag either

Note: For non-connected points, just remove the 'writable' and 'actions' tags.

How to change the value of a property tag

Let's say you wanted to change the Write Level of all Haystack points.

You would enter the filter as point and haystackConnRef

Here you can see "Write Level" is now 15. 

It may be confusing because you'll ask why we used haystackWriteLevel as opposed to writeLevel. If we change the writeLevel, we'll be changing FIN Stacks point write level and not the connectors point write level. FIN Stacks write level doesn't appear in the points view UI so the one you see there is the points write level. We just didn't include the connector type in front of the Write Level in our UI as it takes up space.

How to change history from synchronized to collected

Now we want our history to be collected every 15 mins instead of synchronized.

You would enter the filter as point and haystackConnRef. The reason haystackConnRef is used is to make sure we only get points that are from a Haystack connector and not from a different type of connector

After that, we want to remove haystackHis property tag and add hisCollectInterval:15min.

You can see now our history will be collected every 15 mins.

If you want to also include COV, then for booleans, enums, strings add a marker tag called hisCollectCov

For numerics, it would be a property tag with a value of what you want it to be greater than to trigger the change (hisCollectCov:2)

The difference between Synchronized and Collected tagging is below. You can easily switch between them by the tags below

Sychronized: haystackHis (or bacnetHis for bacnet connectors)

Collected: hisCollectCov, hisCollectInterval

Common Tags: hisEnd, hisEndVal, hisId, hisSize, hisStart, hisStatus, his