It is important to make sure the alarmPoint and allowProgram tags are added to your numeric points first AND alarmSp on the setpoint to compare the temp against.

This is for users who want to create a program that compares the temp versus the setpoint and trigger an alarm if the difference is too high or too low.

  1. Tag all your numeric temp points with alarmPoint and allowProgram tags.
  2. Then tag in that same equip the setpoint to compare against with alarmSp tag.
  3. Upload this program through the Logic Builder app or folio. (Program is named "numericAlarms" when uploaded)

The program should look something like below. Logic is IF roomTemp is greater than alarmSp + 5 for 5 mins and occupancy is true, set highTempAlarmVar to true, else false. Following that is IF roomTemp is less than alarmSp - 5 for 5 mins and occupancy is true, set lowTempAlarmVar to true, else false. In the alarm routine, the strMacro is just grabbing the values of both the temp and setpoint when an alarm is triggered. strMacro value is "Temp = $roomTemp and Setpoint = $alarmSp".