Import History

Import History

A form to import history to a point from a CSV file.

The point to which you want to import history must have history set to "Imported" and the timezone of the site must be the same with the timezone mentioned in the time format imported

How to use Import History

1. The user will have to select on the Folio application which is under the Advanced Apps

2. Once Folio has launched, the user can select on the Tools button  located on the right

  • In the tool list, navigate towards the following: Advanced > Dynamic Import > Import History.

3. Clicking it will open up a form with a file upload and filter element.

  • You must put a file and a filter for ONE point in this form

4. Clicking OK will bring you here. This form shows you which point is selected and gives options for the file.

  • The time column is where you select the column that has the datetime for the history value
  • The value column is where you select the column for the value of the history
  • The operation radio buttons are where you select whether to write or rewrite history

Write is used to add history if it doesn't already exist, rewrite is used to rewrite existing history

5. Clicking Apply will bring you to this last form.

  • This shows the function output of the finHisImport function.
  • Rewrite will show you this screen with the multiple columns
  • Write will show you a screen with only one column with the number of histories changed

If a timestamp conversion error happens, it will be shown in this form along the lines of "Invalid CSV File Time Format..."

User Errors:

Not putting a file into the uploader will give you this message if you hit apply:

Putting a filter that isn't a point/doesn't match with a point will give this message on apply:

Uploading a CSV with less than 2 columns will return a message saying that the "CSV File Has Less Than 2 Columns".

Support Timestamps

Below are the different types of timestamps supported.

"YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.FFFz zzzz"
"WWW MMM D hh:mm:ss zzz YYYY"
"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"
"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"
"hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD"
"hh:mm YYYY-MM-DD"
"M/D/YYYY h:mm"
"DD-MMM-YY h:mm:ss AA"
"DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm aa"

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