View Unique Equips

View Unique Equips

We have created this tool to allow the user to see the equips grouped together based on the points they contain, and also the similarities with other equips

How to use View Unique Equips

1. Select on the App Launcher icon on the top left

2. Select on Folio > Launch tile under Advanced Apps

3. Once Folio has launched, the user can select on the Tools button  located on the right

  • In the tool list, navigate towards the following: Advanced > View Unique Equips

4. After the user has selected on the tool, they will be displayed with a pop-up called View Unique Equips


Here the user has 3 options:

  • Filter: the usual filter

  • Percentage field: this allows the user to filter the percentage of the similarities between groups of equips, and by that it means the points each equip type has

  • Apply tags field: enabling this field automatically adds a property tag to the equips based on the groups (type000, type007), and later the user can use the equipType==x (where the x is the type number) query to display those specific equips

5. After hitting Apply a result list will appear in a different window. The equips will be divided into "types", and the similar ones will be grouped together. 


We have the following columns:

  • id - the id of the group (type000, type nnn)

  • equipIds - a list with all the IDs of the equips

  • numEquips - the total number of the equips

  • numPoints - the total amount of points an equip has (not all equips together)

  • similarTypes - will show to which group of ids it has similarities and at what percentage. And furthermore, if there are similarities with other groups a few more columns will be present: type00xHas, type00xMissing, type00yHas, type00yMissing which contains a list of points

How to read and understand the grid

Below is an example of how to read and understand the grid of the different types. In the example we are filtering equips.

You can see that type014 and type022 are similar to each other by 85%

Now if you look at type003 and look at the column "type007Has"

  • Its saying that type007 has the following points: ReHeat Valve, UnOccHeat, and OccHeat

  • IF type003 had those points, they would be 100% similar and both would be in the same type.

Now if you look at type007 and at the column "type003Missing"

  • It'll display the same points as above and saying the same thing

  • IF type003 had those points, they would be 100% similar and both would be in the same type.

You can also say that if type007 didn't have those points, then they would match 100%

  • So look at what is it you are comparing and then look at the columns to see what they do have or missing to match them if needed.

This can be helpful because there are some cases where there should only be 2 types of vavs for example and you see maybe 3 or more different types

  • Then you can see what each one has and make any changes accordingly.

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