Fix Unit Tags

Fix Unit Tags

We have created this fool to help the user to batch add units to multiple numeric points that do not have it.

1. The user will have to select on the Folio application which is under the Advanced Apps section

2. Once inside, the user will have to use the Tool button 

3.  The user will be prompted with a pop-up called Tools where the user will have to navigate to the following: Database Clean Up > Find Unit Tags

4. Once selected, the user will be displayed with a pop-up window called Find Unit Tags where it's going to ask the user to confirm if he wants to add units to Numeric points without one

5. After hitting Ok button, the user needs to search up the following query: readAll(point and not unit and kind =="Number")

6. This will display a list of points that cannot be assigned units

How does it work

The way this tool works is the following: it searches the points for their tags and depending on that it will add the specific unit.

For example, you have a CHWV point with the following tags: chilled and water (but not "temp") the tool will add "%" as unit

OR, if you have a MAT point with the following tags: air, mixed and temp -the tool will add the "°F" as unit 

This form follows the Haystack tag system which can be found here

This form only applies to Numeric Points and it is specific to Haystack standard tags.

The points to which it applies are (if tagged properly):

  • CHWV with the tags: "chilled" and "water" and not "temp" => unit = %
  • Filter with the tags: "filter" => unit = %
  • MAD with the tags: "air" and "damper" and "mixed" => unit = %
  • MAT with the tags: "air" and "mixed" and "temp" => unit = °F
  • OAD with the tags: "air" and "outside" and "damper" => unit = %
  • RAD with the tags: "air" and "return" and "damper" => unit = %
  • RAT with the tags: "air" and "return" and "temp"=> unit = °F
  • SAF and AirFlow with the tags: "air" and "flow" and "sensor" => unit = cfm
  • SAP with the tags: "air" and "sensor" and "pressure" => unit = inHg //
  • SAT with the tags: "sensor" and "air" and "temp" and not "discharge" => unit = °F
  • ZoneTemp and Room Temp with the tags: "zone" and "air" and "temp" and "sensor" => unit = °F
  • Room Setpoint and ZoneTempSp and EffectiveSp with the tags: "zone" and "air" and "temp" and "sp" => unit = °F
  • AirFlow Setpoint with the tags: "air" and "flow" and "sp" => unit = cfm
  • Damper with the tags: "air" and "damper" and "discharge" => unit = %
  • OccCool with the tags: "occ" and "cooling" => unit = °F
  • OccHeat with the tags: "occ" and "heating" => unit = °F
  • ReHeat Valve with the tags: "reHeat" => unit = %
  • Rm Humidity with the tags: "air" and "zone" and "humidity" => unit = %
  • Room Delta Temp with the tags: "delta" and "temp" and "zone" => unit = °F
  • UnOccCool with the tags: "unocc" and "cooling" => unit = °F
  • UnOccHeat with the tags: "unocc" and "heating" => unit = °F

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