SVG Icons
Here are the different SVG icons to choose from
SVG Code Data Explained
Here is an example svg gauge data.
{ mainText : 'Water', mainValue : "22%", btIcon : 'icon-calendar', btIconText: "Last Day", view : 'waterdrop', fillColor : 'blue', fillValue : 22, range : 'today()', pointId :, index : index, original : p, fold : 'live' }
The right side is where the user can define what they would like to display. For example the mainText is Water. The mainValue and fillValue must match in order for the svg to be filled to the proper amount. fillColor defines what color the svg will be filled with. However if fillColor is taken out, the color will be set to a the svg's default color. btIcon and btIconText defines what icon and text will appear in the bottom left. The last 5 lines (range, pointId, original, and fold) are only necessary if the point has a history.
For the water icon the view in the data must say waterdrop
Here is an example of what the data could be
{ mainText : 'Water', mainValue : "22%", btIcon : 'icon-calendar', btIconText: "Last Day", view : 'waterdrop', fillValue : 22, range : 'today()', pointId :, index : index, original : p, fold : 'live' }
For the sun icon the view in the data must say sun
Here is an example of what the data could be
{ mainText : 'Heating', mainValue : "64%", btIcon : 'icon-calendar', btIconText: "Last Day", view : 'sun', fillColor : 'orange', fillValue : 64, range : 'today()', pointId :, index : index, original : p, fold : 'live' }
For the lightning icon the view in the data must say energy
Here is an example of what the data could be
{ mainText : 'Energy', mainValue : "37%", btIcon : 'icon-calendar', btIconText: "Last Day", view : 'energy', fillColor : 'yellow', fillValue : 47, range : 'today()', pointId :, index : index, original : p, fold : 'live' }
For this lightbulb icon the view in the data must say light
Here is an example of what the data could be
{ mainText : 'Energy', mainValue : "64%", btIcon : 'icon-calendar', btIconText: "Last Day", view : 'light', fillColor : 'blue', fillValue : 64, range : 'today()', pointId :, index : index, original : p, fold : 'live' }
For the snowflake icon the view in the data must say snowflake
Here is an example of what the data could be
{ mainText : 'Cooling', mainValue : "37%", btIcon : 'icon-calendar', btIconText: "Last Day", view : 'snowflake', fillColor : 'lightblue', fillValue : 37, range : 'today()', pointId :, index : index, original : p, fold : 'live' }
For the tree icon the view in the data must say tree
Here is an example of what the data could be
{ mainText : 'Used', mainValue : "80%", btIcon : 'icon-calendar', btIconText: "Last Day", view : 'tree', fillColor : 'green', fillValue : 80, range : 'today()', pointId :, index : index, original : p, fold : 'live' }
For this lightbulb icon the view in the data must say light2
Here is an example of what the data could be
{ mainText : 'Energy', mainValue : "72%", btIcon : 'icon-calendar', btIconText: "Last Day", view : 'light2', fillColor : 'purple', fillValue : 72, range : 'today()', pointId :, index : index, original : p, fold : 'live' }