Backup and Restore Graphic

Backup and Restore Graphic

How to backup and restore a graphic

Below are the steps on how to backup and restore a graphic.

Backup Graphic

To backup a graphic, the user will:

1. Select the Menu, which is located on the top left corner  

2. Select the Graphics Builder tile

3. When the user clicks on the Graphics Builder tile, it will slide out and give the user 3 options

  • In this case, the user will select on Menu


4. The user will select on Miscellaneous

5. Select the Backup option in the slider menu.

6. Once Backup is selected, a popup will appear where the user can select a name for the file to download and the selected graphics.

The available options on the Backup window:

  • Filter: filter of what you would like to view and download. By default, its auto-populated based on the context you are on. (if changing the filter, make sure you uncheck and check the Record Selection part to refresh the list)
  • File Type: here are a few options depending on what the filter is. For graphics, its always a zip file. Its auto-selected by default.
  • File Name: The user can specify the name of the zip file they will be downloading. This doesn't change the graphic name.
  • Preserve IDs: this keeps the current ids of the selected files. By default, it is selected.
  • Record Selection: This is selected by default to select all the files based on the filter. If the user only wants to download a specific file, they just select the file and it would deselect all of them

8. Once they select Backup, they will be prompted with the below popup.

8. The above popup allows the user to decide if they want to include the refs found on the graphics.

  • By default, it is checked and its recommended to leave as is
  • Then select Backup or Cancel
  • If Backup is selected again, they will be prompted with the below popup

  • The above popup lets the user know that the backup was successful and saved a copy of the zip file in the Files section of Folio
  • They are also prompted if they want to download this zipped file or just hit OK to download later manually
  • If download, they will be prompted with a normal standard Save As window so that they can choose where to save the zipped file.

9. Now the user has a backup of the selected graphic(s) on their computer or where ever it was saved.

Restore Graphic

To restore a graphic, the user will:

1. Select the Menu, which is located on the top left corner  

2. Select the Graphics Builder tile

3. When the user clicks on the Graphics Builder tile, it will slide out and give the user 3 options

  • In this case, the user will select on Menu


4. The user will select on Miscellaneous

5. Select the Restore option in the slider menu.

6. Once Restore is selected, a popup will appear where the user can select the backup zip file that contains the graphic(s).

The available options on the Restore window:

  • Choose File: Here the user selects the zip file that contains the graphics.
  • Upload As Text: This can be ignored for graphics. An example use case is when wanting to upload funcs as text instead of using a file. Then you can select if you want the text uploaded as Zinc, Trio, or XML.
  • Overwrite Existing Records: This is checked by default. What this does is overwrite the existing graphic if it already exists with new changes that were made. If there isn't an existing graphic, it'll just add it. Look below at "Restoring to create duplicate graphic" for example of when not to have it checked.

7. Once the user selects the backup zip file, they would select Upload.

8. Once uploaded, the user will be prompted with the below popup.

9. It confirms that the graphic was uploaded and now they can find it in the graphics builder app.


When restoring graphics and don't see the graphic show up in the graphics app, go to Menu > Graphics Builder > Graphics > View All Graphics > and find the graphic to check its graphicOn tag. Sometimes we forget what its running on and freak out that it isn't showing up where its supposed to.

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