Clone Equip-Point Tags (DB Builder)

This form is used to clone the tags from the points of one equip to the corresponding points of other selected equips.

E.G. Clone tags from AHU-1 equip's CHWV point to AHU-2 equip's CHWV point, and all the other corresponding points as well.

1. The user will have to select on the DB Builder application which is under the System Integrator section

2. Once inside, the user has to navigate towards the DB Builder Tree

  • The user will select a type of available equip(s) they want to update

3.  Once the user has made a selection, the user will have to use the Tool button  which is located on the bottom right

4.  The user will be prompted with a pop-up called Tools where the user will have to navigate to the following: Batch Edit & Clone > Clone Equip-Point Tags

5. Clicking on it will open up a form that looks more or less like this:


The equips that you selected in the beginning are the equips that will have the cloning action happen to them.

The form requires that you select a master equip to get point tags from.

Start by selecting which site the master equip is from.

Upon selection, the next combobox will update with names of the equips under that site.

Select the equip you wish to use as the master.

With the selection in the example, we will be cloning point tags from Vav-04's points to the points of Vav-01, Vav-02, and Vav-03.

The "Filter To Apply To" section is automatically filled out based on which equips you selected when opening the form. You do not need to touch this.

The "Equips To Apply To" section lists the equips found from the filter, these will be the equips which you selected in the beginning. You probably don't need to touch this. This will update if the filter is changed.

The "Select All Property Tags" is a checkbox that acts like a "check all" button.

The "Property Tags To Copy" section lists all of the property tags (but no marker tags) that belong to the points under the selected master equip.

Simply choose which property tags you would like to copy over and click "Apply".

Once you do that, the tags will be cloned over to the selected equips and you will be done.