

Create program(s) and event(s) that will run on user specified tags to perform special commands on existing or new graphics.


1. Use the Equip Tree in the Navigation Header to navigate the database hierarchy

  • Context comes from current location in the nav/equip tree

2.After finding desired destination, select the App Launcher Menu

3. Select the Graphic Builder tile located under the System Integrator Apps

4. Once the tile has been selected, it will open a drawer with four available options: Close, Launch, New, Menu

5. Select one of the following options: Launch or New

Tip: If the user does not have existing graphics, they will have to create a new graphic. More info on creating creating graphics can be found here: Create Equip Graphic

6. After the selection, it will open up the Graphic Builder application

7. Select the Programs/Events tool located under the Graphic Builder Menu on the right

8. It will direct another menu view where it will display two option: New Program/Event and Remove Program/Event

New Program/Event

1. Clicking the New Program/Event option will launch the Create New Prog/Event form

2. The form has two options:

  • Program: Creates a program without opening the program editor

  • Event: Create an event without opening program editor

3. After selecting option and clicking on Apply, there are two different forms that will get displayed for both Program and Event


1. If program was selected, the Create Program pop-up will launch

The required fields to fill out are:

  • Program Name: Name for the program, has to be unique

  • Program Target: Copy & paste any ID or query that will create the desired target selection

  • Program Trigger: This will cause a trigger to the program to run

    • Example: One of the program trigger is called Mouse Over, this will make the program run only when the mouse is over the specified program target that its running on

2. Clicking Apply will open another pop-up called Default Variable for New Program

The fields will be automatic generated, to the default settings. The user has the control of modifying all 3 fields.

The required field to fill out are:

  • Variable Name: Name for the variable

  • Change on Point: Copy & paste any ID or query that will create the desired target selection

  • Tag Change: The user can pick the tag to look at to invoke the program

3. Once created, the user will be prompted with below pop up if they want to add extra variables. This is optional, if none are needed, leave as 0. In the first field box, the user can add point variables. The second field box is meant for component variables in the graphics that the user might want to user in the program.

4. The final stage will be a confirmation, the user will be able to modify his variables by being able to edit the variable name and select the point's name. This will give the user the ability to add specific variables.

5. Once added, the program editor will popup where the user can then added the code for the program.


  1. If event was selected, the Create Event pop-up will launch to pick the trigger type

2. Once selected, user will be prompted with below popup to pick target and event name.


The required fields to fill out are:

  • Event Interest: This would be the trigger for the event to execute the code. It will be automatically filled in based on the trigger selected in step #1.

  • Event Target: Copy & paste any ID or query that will create the desired target selection

  • Display Name: This will be the name of the event

3. Once created, the user will be prompted with the script editor popup to add the code.

Remove Program/Event

1. The user can find this tool underneath the tool New Program/Event, they will be prompted with multiple program & events that exist in the graphic(s). 

User can select multiple program/event by holding down the SHIFT button. 

2. Once the user has finish selecting by clicking in the Apply button, it will instantly remove the program/event in the graphic. The user will have to refresh the page to see the changes. It is recommend to save the graphic(s) before hitting the refresh button.


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