Ensure Edge2Cloud is registered with working project in order to enable cloud back-up
Select App Launcher icon located on upper left
Select Cloud tile
Verify status is Connected
If status is Disconnected select Register with Edge2Cloud and login into Edge2Cloud account
[Enter brief summary]
1. Select App Launcher icon located on top left
2. Select DB Builder tile
3. Select on Snapshots option
4. On the FIN snapshot overview, select and highlight a backup
5. Click on Cloud button
6. The following form Upload to Cloud will open and display two options:
Roling - overwrites the eldest rolling backup
Edge2Cloud Stores 3 rolling backups per device (FIN instance)
The oldest rolling backup is automated deleted when the fourth backup is created.
Permanent - does not overwrite any permanent backups
Edge2Cloud stores 5 backups; if a sixth backup is created, an error will be thrown as permanent backups cannot be automatically overwritten
7. After the progress bar reaches 100%, the FIN Snapshot overview will be updated with the latest information.