Restore Template

Restore Template

Restore Template

The Restore Template tool allows the user the ability to restore their saved template .fst file in a new project. It will restore whatever was saved in the first place using the Save Template tool.

How to use Restore Template

Open the App Launcher menu towards top left corner, and select DB Builder app found under the System Integrator Apps section.

Once DB Builder is open, select anything in the Equip Tree (including the Equip Tree node itself), and then click the Tools button at the bottom of the Equip Tree sidebar.

In the Tools Menu, select Templates→Restore Template.

After having selected the restore option, the user will be prompted with this popup to choose a file to restore.

Once you select to "Choose File", they will be prompted again asking where to locate and select the template .fst file to restore.

The new objects should now be available in the database (If not visible, try refreshing the Equip Tree).

That's it, now the user should be able to find all the records they have saved in their database whether it was graphics, programs, summaries, O&M manuals, tuning policies, or just Equips and Points.
From there they can use Clone to clone to other similar equips if needed.

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