Code Block |
var template = this; var dataTEST = []; var mySites; var vavNum = 0; var ahuNum = 0; var boilerNum = 0; var chillerNum = 0; var myTest = query('targetPoint'); console.log(myTest.pointId); var myTarget = myTest.pointId; finstack.eval('readAll(site and regionRef=='+ myTarget+')').then(function(data) { mySites = data.result.toObj(); mySites.forEach(function(p,index) { finstack.eval('readAll(siteRef=='+p.id+' and equip and vav).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var newVAVPOINTS = data.result.toObj(); newVAVPOINTS.forEach(function(p,index) { vavNum += p.val; console.log(vavNum); }); }); finstack.eval('readAll(siteRef=='+p.id+' and equip and ahu).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var newAHUPOINTS = data.result.toObj(); newAHUPOINTS.forEach(function(p,index) { ahuNum += p.val; console.log(ahuNum); }); }); finstack.eval('readAll(siteRef=='+p.id+' and equip and chiller).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var newCHILLERPOINTS = data.result.toObj(); newCHILLERPOINTS.forEach(function(p,index) { chillerNum += p.val; console.log(chillerNum); }); }); finstack.eval('readAll(siteRef=='+p.id+' and equip and boiler).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var newBOILERPOINTS = data.result.toObj(); newBOILERPOINTS.forEach(function(p,index) { boilerNum += p.val; console.log(boilerNum); }); }); setTimeout(function(){ dataTEST.push({ navName : p.dis, Vav : vavNum, Ahu : ahuNum, Boiler : boilerNum, Chiller : chillerNum }); vavNum = 0; ahuNum = 0; boilerNum = 0; chillerNum = 0; }, 100); }); }); console.log('dataTEST', dataTEST); var chart = AmCharts.makeChart(Chart.view, { "type": "serial", "theme": "light", "legend": { "horizontalGap": 10, "maxColumns": 1, "position": "right", "useGraphSettings": true, "markerSize": 10 }, "titles": [ { "id": "Title-1", "size": 15, "text": myTest.dis } ], "dataProvider": dataTEST, "valueAxes": [{ "stackType": "regular", "axisAlpha": 0.5, "gridAlpha": 0 }], "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "<b>[[title]]</b><br><span style='font-size:14px'>[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b></span>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "labelText": "[[value]]", "lineAlpha": 0.3, "title": "Vav", "type": "column", "color": "#000000", "valueField": "Vav" }, { "balloonText": "<b>[[title]]</b><br><span style='font-size:14px'>[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b></span>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "labelText": "[[value]]", "lineAlpha": 0.3, "title": "Ahu", "type": "column", "color": "#000000", "valueField": "Ahu" }, { "balloonText": "<b>[[title]]</b><br><span style='font-size:14px'>[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b></span>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "labelText": "[[value]]", "lineAlpha": 0.3, "title": "Boiler", "type": "column", "color": "#000000", "valueField": "Boiler" }, { "balloonText": "<b>[[title]]</b><br><span style='font-size:14px'>[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b></span>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "labelText": "[[value]]", "lineAlpha": 0.3, "title": "Chiller", "type": "column", "color": "#000000", "valueField": "Chiller" }], "rotate": true, "categoryField": "navName", "categoryAxis": { "gridPosition": "start", "axisAlpha": 0, "gridAlpha": 0, "position": "left" }, "export": { "enabled": true } }); |