Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


aboveBy - Check if the in number is above base number by a threshold
abs - Return the absolute value of the number
belowBy -Check if the in number is bellow the base number by a threshold
limit - Limit val between an inclusive min and max

pow -  Power a^b. Returns null if a or b does not evaluate to a number
random - Generate a random number between min and max inclusive on every cycle
reset - Reset block computes output based on two linear equations. The input is clipped to inLo and inHi, the percentage of input along the linear segment between inLo and inHi is computed, and then that percentage is output as a Number between outLo and outHi.

within - Verifies if the provided numbers are within an offset from the base

sqrt -  Sqrt: '√val'. Return null if val does not evaluate to a number.


invoke - Invokes an arbitrary Fantom or Axon function.The invoke block will apply certain execution time restrictions on the function invoked.

ternary - Check if condition is true and evaluates the true block, otherwise evaluates the false block

pow Power a^b. Returns null if a or b does not evaluate to a number

sqrt -  Sqrt: '√val'. Return null if val does not evaluate to a number.


strCapitalize - Changes first letter of a string to upper case character.
strConcat - String concatenation
strContains - Compares if a val string contains substring
strDecapitalize - Changes first letter of a string to lower case character.
strEndsWith - Compares if a val string ends with substring
strFormat - String format - see `format()`
strLower - Changes all ASCII letters to lower case
strMacro - Str macro pattern which uses the same syntax as `disMacro` and `haystack::Etc.macro`. The macro variables are resolves against the task's variables.
