Description: These are two different AM|Charts to display alarms. They both use the similar queries (shown below). The simple column chart can be placed anywhere and will display all the alarms. The stacked bar chart must be placed on a region and is dynamic, showing all the alarms on each site of that region.
readAll(equip and vav).alarms(today).size
readAll(equip and ahu).alarms(today).size
readAll(equip and boiler).alarms(today).size
readAll(equip and chiller).alarms(today).size
Simple Column Chart
Description: This component will display all the alarms. It can be placed at any level and will sort the alarms by chiller, boiler, vav, and ahu.
- Drag in the AM|Chart from Components in the left menu
- Resize the component to the desired size
- Next create a group
- To do this drag out another component (in this example we used a button) and place it close to the am chart
- Click and drag over the AM|Chart and the other component so that they both are selected
- Right click and select create group
- Next go to Layers in the left menu
- Open up the new group just created
- Right click on the extra component added to create the group (in our example, the button) and delete it
- Then select your group, and add a tag
- Go to Programs in the left menu
- Click the + icon to add a new program
- In Program Target Filter type the name of the tag placed on the group in the previous steps
- Copy and paste the code below into the main part and save!
var template = this; var myPoints = []; finstack.eval('readAll(equip and vav).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var vavPoints = data.result.toObj(); vavPoints.forEach(function(p,index) { myPoints.push({ curVal : p.val, navName : "VAV", "color": "#FF0F00" }); }); }); finstack.eval('readAll(equip and boiler).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var vavPoints = data.result.toObj(); vavPoints.forEach(function(p,index) { myPoints.push({ curVal : p.val, navName : "BOILER", "color": "#FF9E01" }); }); }); finstack.eval('readAll(equip and chiller).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var vavPoints = data.result.toObj(); vavPoints.forEach(function(p,index) { myPoints.push({ curVal : p.val, navName : "CHILLER", "color": "#F8FF01" }); }); }); finstack.eval('readAll(equip and ahu).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var ahuPoints = data.result.toObj(); ahuPoints.forEach(function(p,index) { myPoints.push({ curVal : p.val, navName : "AHU", "color": "#04D215" }); }); var chart = AmCharts.makeChart( Chart.view, { "type": "serial", "theme": "light", "titles": [ { "id": "Title-1", "size": 15, "text": "ALARMS" } ], "dataProvider": myPoints, "category": "navName", "value": "curVal", "valueAxes": [ { "gridColor": "none", "gridAlpha": 0.2, "dashLength": 0 } ], "gridAboveGraphs": true, "startDuration": 1, "graphs": [ { "balloonText": "[[navName]] ALARMS: <b>[[curVal]][[unit]]</b>", "fillColorsField": "color", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "lineAlpha": 0.2, "type": "column", "valueField": "curVal" } ], "chartCursor": { "categoryBalloonEnabled": false, "cursorAlpha": 0, "zoomable": false }, "categoryField": "navName", "categoryAxis": { "gridPosition": "start", "gridAlpha": 0, "tickPosition": "start", "tickLength": 20 }, "export": { "enabled": true } } ); });
Stacked Bar Chart
Description: This AM|Chart is dynamic, and must be placed on a region. It will display a bar for each site on that region, and show how many alarms from each vav, ahu, boiler, and chiller, on that site.
- Drag in the AM|Chart from Components in the left menu
- Resize the component to the desired size
- Next create a group
- To do this drag out another component (in this example we used a button) and place it close to the am chart
- Click and drag over the AM|Chart and the other component so that they both are selected
- Right click and select create group
- Next go to Layers in the left menu
- Open up the new group just created
- Right click on the extra component added to create the group (in our example, the button) and delete it
- Then select your group, and add a tag
- Go to Programs in the left menu
- Click the + icon to add a new program
- In Program Target Filter type the name of the tag placed on the group in the previous steps
- Copy and paste the code below into the main part and save!
var template = this; var dataTEST = []; var mySites; var vavNum = 0; var ahuNum = 0; var boilerNum = 0; var chillerNum = 0; var myTest = query('targetPoint'); console.log(myTest.pointId); var myTarget = myTest.pointId; finstack.eval('readAll(site and regionRef=='+ myTarget+')').then(function(data) { mySites = data.result.toObj(); mySites.forEach(function(p,index) { finstack.eval('readAll(siteRef=='' and equip and vav).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var newVAVPOINTS = data.result.toObj(); vavNum = 0; newVAVPOINTS.forEach(function(p,index) { vavNum += p.val; }); }); finstack.eval('readAll(siteRef=='' and equip and ahu).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var newAHUPOINTS = data.result.toObj(); ahuNum = 0; newAHUPOINTS.forEach(function(p,index) { ahuNum += p.val; }); }); finstack.eval('readAll(siteRef=='' and equip and chiller).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var newCHILLERPOINTS = data.result.toObj(); chillerNum = 0; newCHILLERPOINTS.forEach(function(p,index) { chillerNum += p.val; }); }); finstack.eval('readAll(siteRef=='' and equip and boiler).alarms(today).size').then(function(data) { var newBOILERPOINTS = data.result.toObj(); boilerNum = 0; newBOILERPOINTS.forEach(function(p,index) { boilerNum += p.val; }); dataTEST.push({ navName : p.dis, Vav : vavNum, Ahu : ahuNum, Boiler : boilerNum, Chiller : chillerNum }); }); }); }); console.log('dataTEST', dataTEST); var chart = AmCharts.makeChart(Chart.view, { "type": "serial", "theme": "light", "legend": { "horizontalGap": 10, "maxColumns": 1, "position": "right", "useGraphSettings": true, "markerSize": 10 }, "titles": [ { "id": "Title-1", "size": 15, "text": myTest.dis } ], "dataProvider": dataTEST, "valueAxes": [{ "stackType": "regular", "axisAlpha": 0.5, "gridAlpha": 0 }], "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "<b>[[title]] Alarms</b><br><span style='font-size:14px'>[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b></span>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "labelText": "[[value]]", "lineAlpha": 0.3, "title": "Vav", "type": "column", "color": "#000000", "valueField": "Vav" }, { "balloonText": "<b>[[title]] Alarms</b><br><span style='font-size:14px'>[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b></span>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "labelText": "[[value]]", "lineAlpha": 0.3, "title": "Ahu", "type": "column", "color": "#000000", "valueField": "Ahu" }, { "balloonText": "<b>[[title]] Alarms</b><br><span style='font-size:14px'>[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b></span>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "labelText": "[[value]]", "lineAlpha": 0.3, "title": "Boiler", "type": "column", "color": "#000000", "valueField": "Boiler" }, { "balloonText": "<b>[[title]] Alarms</b><br><span style='font-size:14px'>[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b></span>", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "labelText": "[[value]]", "lineAlpha": 0.3, "title": "Chiller", "type": "column", "color": "#000000", "valueField": "Chiller" }], "rotate": true, "categoryField": "navName", "categoryAxis": { "gridPosition": "start", "axisAlpha": 0, "gridAlpha": 0, "position": "left" }, "export": { "enabled": true } });