Read/ Write Property
We have created this form to read properties from the device or to write them it (if they are writable). These properties are the same properties mentioned in the bacnetProperties.trio file from the .pod
How to use Read/ Write Property
The user will go to DB Builder
in there open the Connectors menu. From the right side menu select a BACnet connector and click on the Tools icon, in there choose Read/Write Property
A new window will pop-up showing a filter with the selected devices to which the form is applied. Also the user can customize the filter to his desires by clicking "Filter" and a new window will appear and click Execute when finished (also, he can check if the conditions are alright by clicking "Test" in the left bottom corner and will see the results in the middle)
Finally, at the bottom the user will chose the desired action of the form Read or Write and hit Apply
Note that not all properties from the device are writable
In the end after hitting Apply the user will be sent to Folio, where the jobStatusAll() querry was ran and shows the result of the forms' action