Change BACnet Settings
We have created this tool to allow the user to batch edit some of the properties of BACnet connectors
How to use Change BACnet Settings
The user must go to DB Builder
In there open the Connectors from the top menu
From the Connectors menu in the left, select a connector in order to have access to Tools. Go to Tools and inside Connectors->Bacnet choose Change Bacnet Settings
A new window will pop-up, where the user can customize the filter to only apply changes to some connectors and to choose the exact setting they wish to change (one at a time)
After choosing a Setting and hit Next a new window will show with empty fields to be filled in for all filtered connectors
In the end the user hits apply and the changes are applied. He can repeat this for every setting he desires.
Basically the properties from the highlighted area are the ones that the user can edit with this tool