

Here the user can subscribe to any of the available subscriptions.


NOTE: Only Super User (su) types of users can manage other users

To use the User application, the Super User will need to have the Host Application open.

1. When any Super User logins into FIN, they are directed to the Host Application where they can click on the User selection in the left-hand column.

2. Super Users (su type) can also open the Host Application under the Advanced Apps (not available to Admin and Operator)

How to use Subscriptions

1. The Super User will need to open the Host application

2. Navigate to the Users section located on the left-hand side

3. On the bottom of the user tile, there is a button called Edit User

4. Once selected, a Edit User pop-up will be displayed

  • The user will navigate to the bottom of the form to the Custom Properties section

The user has two options available for subscription:  

  • Topics Email Digest: Applied to user records to indicate which topics the user is subscribed to for daily digest email delivery

    • The value must be a comma-separated list of topic record id's such as @p:demo:r:1eeaed95-365b6ca4,@p:demo:r:1eeaed95-5fb2716a

  • Topics Email Immediate: Applied to user records to indicate which topics the user is subscribed to for immediate email delivery

    • The value must be a comma-separated list of topic record id's such as @p:demo:r:1eeaed95-365b6ca4,@p:demo:r:1eeaed95-5fb2716a

5. By selecting on the arrow button located on the right of the text input field, the user can enable which topics they want to assign to the said user

Subscription topics

If the user wants to create and/or modify subscription topics, they can follow an of the below links.

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