Create Alarm Topic

Create Alarm Topic

Create Alarm Topic

We have created this tool to allow the user to create alarm topics in an easy and friendly way.

Alarm Topics are created to group Alarms by tags from either:

  • equip tags from the database

  • tags on the alarmBlock in the program in Logic Builder app

  • or a combination of both equip tags and tags found on the alarmBlock

Afterwards users can subscribe to the desired topic.

How to use Create Alarm Topic

First, the user will go to Folio app → Launch.

Once inside the Folio App, the user will select Tools option.

In the Tools list, the user will select the Subscriptions option.

Then the user will find the Create Alarm Topic option to create a new alarm topic.

After clicking it a new window will pop-up, with the following options:

  • Topic Name: the name of the Alarm Topic the user wants it to be

  • Alarm Priority (optional): mark as enable or disable and then set the Alarm Priority (by typing or by using the arrow), the maximum value is 255. For this the user can also set three options: 

    • Greater-than or equal: filter all the alarms that have the priority greater-than or equal to the set value (higher number - so if priority is set to 100, it will filter anything between 100-255)

    • Less-than or equal: filter all the alarms that have the priority less-than or equal to the set value (lower number - so if priority is set to 100, it will filter anything between 0-100)

    • Exact: filter all the alarms that have the priority exactly as the set value (so if 100 is chosen, the priority must be exactly 100)

  • Alarm Tags (optional): returns a list of all the tags that have been added to an alarmBlock in Logic Builder program. The user can choose to include any of those tags for the alarm filter.

  • Custom Tags (optional): if the user is creating the alarm topic before the program, they can create their custom tags here based on what they will use on the alarmBlock. Just remember to go back to the program and add the tag to the alarmBlock.

  • Target Tags (optional): a list of all equips tags in case the user wants to filter the alarms based on certain equips as well

After hitting Create button, a confirmation window will appear letting the user know that the alarm topic was created.

Now the user can subscribe a user to this alarm topic subscription in the Users under Host window.

Note: You can add your own tags to your alarms by adding a tag (see screenshot below) and pressing enter.

How to view and/or edit an Alarm Topic manually

The user can query for the alarm topics via Folio and edit or duplicate them.

  1. Go to Folio → Launch → query for alarmTopic

  2. From here, the user can select the topic and edit or duplicate.

  3. The user can edit the topicOn filter to whatever they alarm filter they want to configure

  4. Some alarm topicOn examples:

    alarm //any alarm alarm and hvac //any alarm where alarmBlock has the "hvac" tag in the program alarm and equipRef->vav //any alarm under equip in the database is tagged as "vav" alarm and targetRef->vav //any alarm where the target in the database is tagged as "vav" (if both equip and point are tagged the same as the filter, double alarms will be sent for each target equip and point) alarm and targetRef->equipRef->vav //any alarm where target in the database has a ref to equip with "vav" tag alarm and targetRef->siteRef->dis=="JB Tower" //any alarm where target in the database has a ref to a site called "JB Tower" alarm and targetRef->siteRef==@p:demo:r:1eeaf021-825d1e56 //same as previous but with id


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