Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


CondDelay- Add delay to condition after a transition from false to true before evaluating to true

Email email - Send an email using the configured SMTP connector. More details about this block here.
SetDelay setDelay - Variable set with a delay.
SetExternal setExternal - Variable set from an external program
Wait wait - Pause the routine for a specific amount of time

Control Flow

If if - If block performs boolean condition flow control between then and else. More details about this block here.
Return return - Return exits the routine and returns given expression value


Count count - Count number of the items which match a condition
DateTimeAdd dateTimeAdd - Add a duration from a DateTime. If no units are supplied, then minutes will be assumed.

DateTimeSub dateTimeSub Substract a duration from a DateTime. If no units are supplied, then minutes will be assumed.

GridSelectCol gridSelectCol - Selects the column of a grid
GridSize gridSize - Number of rows in a grid.
LeadLag leadLag LeadLag is used to schedule a number of units on/off. The 'units' property should be set to a bundle variable that imports the list units the command from the *unit program*. The unit program must have three variables for each unit:


Each unit in alarm is commanded to off. Any remaining units are commanded on until we reach the desired number on (using unit num ordering).

LeadLagStageSelect leadLagStageSelect - LeadLagStageSelect
Limit limit - Limit val between an inclusive min and max
Pid pid - Proportional integral derivative loop
Random random - Generate a random number between min and max inclusive on every cycle


AlarmBlock alarmBlock - Generate an alarm based on a boolean variable.  More details about this block here. Further info about alarms can be found here. Alarm program example.
BoolLatch boolLatch Latch a boolean input when it transitions to true after a configurable delay period. Once latched the output remains true until the reset is triggered to true.

CallRoutine callRoutine - Call a routine within the same program by name
Comment comment - Comment
ExprStmt exprStmt - Statement wrapper for expression with side-effects
Reset reset - Reset block computes output based on two linear equations. The input is clipped to inLo and inHi, the percentage of input along the linear segment between inLo and inHi is computed, and then that percentage is output as a Number between outLo and outHi.

Return return - Return exits the routine and returns given expression value
Staging staging - Compute number of stages which should be one
Tag tag - Name/value pair added to a `Tags` block
Tags tags - Builds a dict of name/value tag pairs
delayedOutput  - DelayedOutput - duration is in seconds.
DictGet dictGet - Bundles variables in a dict
JobRun jobRun - Checks if a value is an instance of a given type
VarCapture varCapture - Capture current variables as a dict


All all - returns if all items in a collection matches a condition
And and - Logical-and of boolean values
Any any - Returns if any item in a collection matches a condition
CmpEq cmpEq - Equality comparison
CmpGt cmpGt -Greater than comparison
CmpGtEq cmpGtEq - Greater than or equal comparison
CmpLt cmpLt - Less than comparison
CmpLtEq cmpLtEq - Less than or equal comparison
CmpNotEq cmpNotEq - Not equal comparison

 More details about the comparisonblocks  here.

InRange inRange - Return if val is between an inclusive min and max
Not not - Logical not of boolean value
Or or - Logical-or of boolean values
Xor xor - Logical exclusive-or of two boolean values
IsType isType - Checks if a value is an instance of a given type


Add add - Addition: '∑ vals'. Any val which doesn't evaluate to a number is ignored. If no vals evaluate to a number then return null.

Avg avg Fold vals their standard average or arithmetic mean. Any val which doesn't evaluate to a number is ignored. If no vals evaluate to a number then return null.

DivdivMultiply: 'vals₀ × vals₁ × vals₂ ...'. Any val which doesn't evaluate to a number is ignored. If no vals evaluate to a number then return null.

IsEven isEven - Check if a number is even whole integer
IsOdd isOdd - Check if a number is odd whole integer
Max max Maximum of vals. Any val which doesn't evaluate to a number is ignored. If no vals evaluate to a number then return null.

Min min Minimum of vals. Any val which doesn't evaluate to a number is ignored. If no vals evaluate to null

Modulo modulo - Modulo/remainder: 'a % b'. Return null if a or b doesn't evaluate to number.
Mult mult Multiply: 'vals₀ × vals₁ × vals₂ ...'. Any val which doesn't evaluate to a number is ignored. If no vals evaluate to a number then return null.

Neg neg - Negate: '-val'. Return null if val doesn't evaluate to number.
SineWave sineWave - Generate a sine wave
Sub sub Subtract: 'a - b'. Return null if a or b doesn't evaluate to number.
Threshold threshold - Threshold returns true when input is above or below a setpoint with configurable deadband.

AboveBy aboveBy - Check if the in number is above base number by a threshold
Abs abs - Return the absolute value of the number
BelowBy belowBy -Check if the in number is bellow the base number by a threshold
Limit limit - Limit val between an inclusive min and max
Random random - Generate a random number between min and max inclusive on every cycle
Reset reset Reset block computes output based on two linear equations. The input is clipped to inLo and inHi, the percentage of input along the linear segment between inLo and inHi is computed, and then that percentage is output as a Number between outLo and outHi.


within - Verifies if the provided numbers are within an offset from the base


Invoke invoke - Invokes an arbitrary Fantom or Axon function.The invoke block will apply certain execution time restrictions on the function invoked.

Ternary ternary - Check if condition is true and evaluates the true block, otherwise evaluates the false block

Pow pow Power a^b. Returns null if a or b does not evaluate to a number

sqrt -  Sqrt: '√val'. Return null if val does not evaluate to a number.


StrCapitalize strCapitalize - Changes first letter of a string to upper case character.
StrConcat strConcat - String concatenation
StrContains strContains - Compares if a val string contains substring
StrDecapitalize strDecapitalize - Changes first letter of a string to lower case character.
StrEndsWith strEndsWith - Compares if a val string ends with substring
StrFormat strFormat - String format - see `format()`
StrLower strLower - Changes all ASCII letters to lower case
StrMacro strMacro Str macro pattern which uses the same syntax as `disMacro` and `haystack::Etc.macro`. The macro variables are resolves against the task's variables.

StrReplace strReplace - String replace
StrSize strSize - Number of characters in a string
StrStartsWith strStartsWith - Compares if a val string starts with substring
StrUpper strUpper - Changes all ASCI letters to upper case


Date date - Get the Date part of  a DateTime
DateTimeAdd dateTimeAdd - Add a duration from a DateTime. If no units are supplied, then minutes will be assumed.

DateTimeSub dateTimeSub - Substract a duration from a DateTime. If no units are supplied, then minutes will be assumed.

DateToNumber dateToNumber - Convert a date to a number
DateToString dateToString - Convert a portion of a date to a string
DtToDtAdd dtToDtAdd - Add one dateTime to another -- returns duration (always minutes or seconds).
DtToDtSub dtToDtSub - Subtract one dateTime from another -- returns duration (always minutes or seconds).
Now now - Get the current DateTime for this server
SiteDateTime siteDateTime - Get the current dateTime for the site associated with the target
Time time - Get the Time part of a DateTime
TimeToMinutes timeToMinutes - Convert a Time to minutes
TimeToTimeAdd timeToTimeAdd - Add one time to another -- returns duration (always minutes).
TimeToTimeSub timeToTimeSub - Sub one time to another -- returns duration (always minutes).


WeatherConditions weatherConditions - Get the conditions from a forecast. Weather Conditions are: unknown, clear, partlyCloudy, cloudy, showers, rain, thunderstorms, ice, flurries, snow.
WeatherInfo weatherInfo - Get the temperature information from a forecast
WeatherSunrise weatherSunrise - Get the sunrise from a forecast
WeatherSunset weatherSunset - Get the sunset from a forecast
