Sub Block
The Sub Block allows the user to subtract a variable's value from another in order to use the result
he Sub Block can be found in the B-Line app, after creating a new program
The only properties that the sub block has are the two input fields: A and B, where the user must choose the variables (parameters)
How to use
The user must go to bLine Logic
In there he creates a program (or edits one) depending on his need (more information here .
In the Blocks menu the user can find all the blocks that he can use
Search for the sub bock in the right menu that opens
Then drags the block over a main block like SET or IF
From there, the user just chooses the variables (which he can see how to add them, in here)
Create a program and add the following variables
Then set the value of deltaT as a subtraction.
After, use the new value of deltaT to set an alarm ON of OFF, by using the comparison signs (greater, equal, less than).
At the end there is an Alarm routine, you ca find more about it here