Edge2Cloud Portal Administration

Edge2Cloud Portal Administration

Tasks and step-by-step processes related to Distribution Partner Admin users

How to create a Sub Organization

Pre-Requisite: Must ensure the account that is attempting to create the new sub organization has been registered and has the “organization admin” role enabled.

  1. On the left hand menu, click “organizations”

  2. Do a quick search to see if the sub organization already exists

  3. While still In the organizations view, select and view your primary organization

  4. On the very top left (under the organization name) click on the “New” button 

  5. Fill out the form accordingly: 
    System Integrator: this is enabled for organizations that are system integrators, if disabled, the organization will be considered a “Facility Owner” (or in otherwords, an ‘End User’).
    Phone: make sure to include the “+” international direct dialing (IDD) prefix in the phone number

    Phone: make sure to include the “+” international direct dialing (IDD) prefix in the phone number

    6. Once the form is completed and submitted, the new Sub Organization for the System Integrator will be created.

  • Note regarding Automatic Sub Org affiliation: the sub organization will automatically be tied to the creating Partner’s “Sub Org” list.

  • The admin user account that created the Sub Organization will automatically be added to the organization as an admin user. This account can be removed once new users are added to the organization.

How to create a new Admin User (for a Sub Organization)

This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up a new admin user for a sub organization.

Best practices is to setup the first Admin users and then empower the partner (System Integrator to manage their own users from there.

Pre-Requisite: Must ensure the account that is attempting to create a New Admin User for a sub organization has been registered and has the “User admin” and at least the “Organization Op or Organization Admin” roles enabled.

  1. Login to Dist Partner account with the required role privileges

  2. On the left hand menu, click “organizations”

  3. In the organizations view, select the sub organization you would like to create a new user for

  4. Under the Users section (bottom section of the organization’s page) select “New” 

  5. Fill out the form and press okay
    Note regarding User Roles: Take into account the user Roles. Typically, if you are creating a Super Admin, you’d want him to have the ability to create other users for the organization (enable User Admin) and create other Sub Organizations (enable Organization Admin) if needed.


  6. New user will now be created under the Sub Organization

  • Note: the new user will receive a registration email invitation in their inbox based on the email address assigned to the user. The registration invite will provide them their account login info and a temporary password they can use to log in and reset their password.

  • Note: at this point the original Distribution partner account can be either kept or removed from the organization if the Sub Organization is set to handle their own users/organizations/devices.



Creating a New License for a Sub Organization

License Admin privileges are only available for qualifying partnerships that have been approved for license creation needs.

Pre-Requisite: Must ensure the account that is attempting to create a License for a sub organization has been registered and has the “License Admin” and either “Organization Op” or “Organization Admin” roles enabled.

  1. Login with the appropriate account  (License Admin privileges required - Organization Op/admin Dependency) 

  2. On the far left menu, select “Licenses” to open the licenses view. 

  3. Click on the “New” option on the top menu

  4. Fill out the form:

  5. Make sure to set the Primary Integrator as the Sub Organization that belongs to the System Integrator that the license is being created for. It is important that the Primary Integrator is set to the correct Sub Organization and that the Host ID is the correct Host ID. (Note: the Host ID is case sensitive - be sure to use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS)

  1. Once the form is submitted, the license will be created. At this point the License can be viewed and downloaded by the License Admin.

License Authorization

  1. When a new license is created or when maintenance is added, the individual part numbers added will appear as “line items”.

  2. Upon creation, a line item’s Authorized field is set to “no” (unauthorized) which means it has not yet been authorized by a J2 Agent. If any individual line items contained within the license is left unauthorized, then the 'Authorized' field at the license level will also read as ‘No’.

  3. In order for a line item to be authorized, the Distribution Partner must provide J2 with a PO to cover the cost of the unauthorized line item(s) via orders@j2inn.com. In addition to the part numbers, and cost, the information on the PO must include the following:

License Authorization Order

  • E2C License ID:

  • E2C Line Item ID(s):

  • Company:

  • Host ID:

  • Project:


4. Once the PO is processed, the license will be matched to the PO and set to “Authorized”.

Deleting/Editing/Modifying existing line item properties

If any additional edits need to be made that involve modifying the Host ID, line items, or any properties that are not directly editable by the License Admin, the admin should contact sales@j2innovations.com.

Adding CAPS/Maintenance to an Existing License

There are additional modifications that a License Admin has access to. This includes adding additional line items to the

Add Line Item (CAPS, History Bundles, Custom Parts)

  1. Login with the appropriate License Admin account  (License Admin privileges required)

  2. Select the “Licenses”view from the far left menu

  3. Search and open the desired license. Tip: searching by Host ID, integrator, or PO is usually the most effective method for finding an existing license.

  4. Once the license is opened, go to the bottom half section of the license and click on the “Add Line Item” button.

  5. Fill out the “Add License Line Items” form:
    Product: Select the product you’d like to add (be conscious of the line item that is being added. it is important to differentiate between a CAP and a History bundle)

    Note: Make sure to fill out the Partner PO section with the correct PO number so the the line items can be properly authorized by a J2 Admin.

  6. Once completed, submit the form and a new license item will be added to the line item list.
    Notice that the total Point and cost count summaries will be update instantly below the line item list according to what’s been added to the license.


Add Maintenance to an existing License

Things to keep in mind when adding/quoting maintenance:

  • One year of maintenance is included: 1 year of maintenance is automatically included with each line item starting from the exact day the line item was added to the license

  • First maintenance payment will be synced & prorated: depending on the date that the line item was generated, there will be an automatic sync & prorating that occurs on the first year of added maintenance. The duration and prorated amount are always visible on the far right end of each line item.

  1. Login with the appropriate License Admin account  (License Admin privileges required)

  2. Select the “Licenses”view from the far left menu

  3. Search and open the desired license. Tip: searching by Host ID, integrator, or PO is usually the most effective method for finding an existing license.

  4. If you want to add maintenance to the entire license simultaneously, select the “Add Maintenance” button found at the top of the Line Items list section. This will add maintenance to every single line item within the license.


  5. If you want add maintenance to only certain line items, open the line item by clicking on the “+” button to the far left, and then select the “add maintenance' button located there.


  6. The Add Maintenance Form only requires a PO number since maintenance is automatically calculated and added based on the line item.


  7. Repeat this process until the correct amount of maintenance has been added to the license.

  8. Maintenance can be viewed per line item, and per the entire license in the License view:

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