<div class="horizontal"> <div class="selectDate" on-click="showHide">Select...</div> <select style="height:40px" on-change="foldUpdate" value={{selectedDate}}> <option value="today">Today</option> <option value="yesterday">Yesterday</option> <option value="thisWeek">This Week</option> <option value="lastWeek">Last 7 Days</option> </select> </div> <select style="height:200px" id="selectMulti" class="queryOptions" value={{selected}} name="test" on-change="foldUpdate" multiple> {{#myPoints}} <option value={{id}}>{{dis}}</option> {{/myPoints}} </select> <div class="s-scroll"> <div id="chart0" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div> <div id="chart1" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div> <div id="chart2" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div> <div id="chart3" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div> <div id="chart4" style="width:100%; height:100%;"></div> </div>
{ data: { myPoints:[] } }
.s-scroll{ width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } .selectDate{ display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 40px; width: 100px; background-color: #f8f8f8; border-radius: 5px; border: .5px solid #a6a6a6; }
this.ractive.fire("obtainData"); var self = this; var model = self.ractive; var hide = true; setTimeout(function() { var showHide = self.view.querySelector("#selectMulti"); showHide.style.display = "none"; }, 100); model.on('showHide', function(event) { if(hide===true){ showHide = self.view.querySelector("#selectMulti"); showHide.style.display = ""; hide=false; } else{ showHide = self.view.querySelector("#selectMulti"); showHide.style.display = "none"; hide= true; } }); model.on('foldUpdate', function(event) { var selectedPoints = []; var selected = model.get("selected"); var selectedDate = model.get("selectedDate"); selected.forEach(function(p,index) { selectedPoints.push({ id : p, index : 'chart'+index, }); }); setTimeout(function() { var test0 = self.view.querySelector("#chart0"); test0.style.display = "none"; var test1 = self.view.querySelector("#chart1"); test1.style.display = "none"; var test2 = self.view.querySelector("#chart2"); test2.style.display = "none"; var test3 = self.view.querySelector("#chart3"); test3.style.display = "none"; var test4 = self.view.querySelector("#chart4"); test4.style.display = "none"; selectedPoints.forEach(function(p,index) { setTimeout(function() { finstack.eval('readAll(id=='+p.id+')', function(data){ var myTitle=data.result.toObj(); finstack.eval('readAll(id=='+p.id+').hisRead('+selectedDate+')', function(data){ queryData=data.result.toObj(); var queryDataPoints = []; queryData.forEach(function(p,index) { queryDataPoints.push({ ts : p.ts, v0 : p.v0.toFixed(1), }); }); var test = self.view.querySelector('#'+p.index); test.style.display = ""; var chart = AmCharts.makeChart(test, { "type": "serial", "theme": "light", "dataProvider": queryDataPoints, "date": "ts", "value": "GetPrettyValue(v0)", "precision" : 1, "marginRight": 40, "marginLeft": 40, "autoMarginOffset": 20, "dataDateFormat": "HH:mm:ss", "valueAxes": [ { "id": "v1", "axisAlpha": 0, "position": "left", "ignoreAxisWidth": true } ], "balloon": { "borderThickness": 1, "shadowAlpha": 0, }, "titles": [ { "id": "Title-1", "size": 15, "text": myTitle[0].dis, } ], "graphs": [ { "id": "g1", "balloon": { "drop": true, "adjustBorderColor": false, "color": "#ffffff", "type": "smoothedLine" }, "fillAlphas": 0.2, "bullet": "round", "bulletBorderAlpha": 1, "bulletColor": "#FFFFFF", "bulletSize": 5, "hideBulletsCount": 50, "lineThickness": 2, "title": "red line", "useLineColorForBulletBorder": true, "valueField": "v0", "balloonText": "<span style='font-size:18px;'>[[v0]]</span>" } ], "chartCursor": { "categoryBalloonDateFormat":"MMM DD YYYY JJ:NN:SS", "valueLineEnabled": true, "valueLineBalloonEnabled": true, "cursorAlpha": 0, "zoomable": false, "valueZoomable": true, "valueLineAlpha": 0.5 }, "valueScrollbar": { "autoGridCount": true, "color": "#000000", "scrollbarHeight": 50 }, "categoryField": "ts", "categoryAxis": { "equalSpacing": true, "parseDates": true, "dashLength": 1, "minorGridEnabled": true, "gridPosition": "start", "dateFormats":[ { "period":"fff", "format":"L:NN:SS A" }, { "period":"ss", "format":"L:NN:SS A" }, { "period":"mm", "format":"L:NN A" }, { "period":"hh", "format":"L:NN A" }, { "period":"DD", "format":"MMM DD" }, { "period":"WW", "format":"MMM DD" }, { "period":"MM", "format":"MMM" }, { "period":"YYYY", "format":"YYYY" }] }, "export": { "enabled": true }, }); }); }); }, 1000); }, 1000); }); });
var myRactive = this; finstack.eval('readAll(his and point and equipRef==@1eeaff69-30d84ee5)', function(data){ myRactive.myPoints = data.result.toObj(); });