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Table of Contents


The Programs tree allows the user to view and modify the programs existing programs.

(WIP - still need to complete)

Using Programs

To use the Programs tree, the user will want to make sure they set it as visible in the Select Tree... drop-down. Once visible, the user can select it in the Available Trees panel.

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New Program/Add



Display Name



Grid View Results


Var Bindings



View Routines





Run Code


Programs Tree

Table of Contents

The Programs tree displays a list of the programs used in a project. Although programs are generated in the Logic Builder; the Programs tree displays the data in a grid format for high-level viewing of the data.

The list of programs is generated through the use of the programOn tag.

View a List of Programs

  • To view a list of programs in the project, select Programs in the Available Trees menu.
    A list of programs is displayed on the main page. In the example below, the number on the highlighted Programs line indicates that there are nine (9) programs within the project.

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View a Program

To view a specific program:

  1. Open the Programs drop-down menu.

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  2. Select a program. In the example, ahuFDD is selected.
    A RunOn list is displayed on the main page. The list includes information about the selected program's equipment, including display name and location, that the program runs on.

View a Program's Variables 

To view the variables used in a program:

  1. Open the Programs drop-down menu.
  2. Select a program and open its drop-down menu.
  3. Select Var Bindings.
    The variables display. Variables are determined in the Logic Builder while the program is built.

View Tasks

To view tasks:

  1. Open the Programs drop-down menu.
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  2. Select a program and open its drop-down menu.
  3. Open the program's Tasks drop-down menu.
    A list of tasks within the program is displayed.

In this example, tasks within the weatherInfo program display in the main window.

Add a Program

To add a program: 

  1. Select Programs from the Available Trees menu.

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  2. Select Add.
    The Create Program window is displayed.

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  3. Enter the desired program Name.
  4. Enter a program Description.
  5. Paste the ID or query to create the desired target selection in the program On field.
  6. Select locations or open location drop-down menus to assign Absolute Point Variables.
  7. If you want to add tags to the program, select Tags.
  8. If you want to add Project Variables to the program, select Project Variables.
  9. Select OKAY.

Edit a Program

To edit a program:

  1. Select Programs from the Available Trees menu.
    A list of programs is displayed.
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  2. Select a program from the list. In the example, ahuFDD is selected.
  3. Select the Edit button.
    A warning window opens, indicating that the Logic Builder app will open in a new window.

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  4. Select the OK button.
    The Logic Builder app opens in a new window.

Edit the Displayed Name

To edit the display name of a program:

  1. Select Programs from the Available Trees menu.
    A list of programs is displayed.
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  2. Select a program. In the example, ahuFDD is selected.
  3. Select the Display Name button.
    The Bline Edit Program Properties window is displayed.
  4. Modify the name.

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  5. Select APPLY.
    The text in the “dis” column changes to the new text.

Edit the Description

To edit a program's description:

  1. Select Programs from the Available Trees menu.
    A list of programs is displayed.
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  2. Select a program. In the example, ahuFDD is selected
  3. Select the Description button.
    The Bline Edit Program Properties window is displayed.
  4. Modify the description.
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  5. Select APPLY.
    The text in the “description” column changes to the modified text.

Edit the programOn Filter of a Program

ProgramOn tags identify the types of equipment that a program can run on.

To edit a program's ProgramOn Filter:

  1. Select Programs from the Available Trees menu.
    A list of programs is displayed.
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  2. Select a program. In the example, ahuFDD is selected
  3. Select the ProgramOn button.
    The Edit ProgramOn: program name window is displayed.
  4. Modify the programOn Filter.
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  5. Select APPLY.
    The text in the “programOn” column changes to the modified text.

See the Filter topic for additional information on how to use the Filter Editor.

Delete a Program

To permanently delete a program from a project:

  1. Select Programs from the Available Trees menu.
    A list of programs is displayed.
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  2. Select a program. In the example, ahuFDD is selected.
  3. Select Delete.
    A Warning window appears.
  4. Select DELETE to confirm the deletion.
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