Summary Troubleshooting

Summary Troubleshooting

Summary Troubleshooting

Below are a few of the issues that others have run into with summaries.

Blank summary window

Do you get a blank summary window when you try opening a summary?

The likely issue is either one of these two issues:

  1. One or more points have minVal/maxVal as scientific values which includes letters. Please fix those and that should do it.

  2. One or more points are reading NaN. Please figure out why some points don’t have values.

Error when opening summary

Get an error after trying to open the summary window?

Chances are that it is a precision tag issue. There might be one or more points that have the precision tag set as a string type instead of number. To fix this, run this query in Folio → Launch and that should convert it to a number while maintaining the value it has.

readAll(point and precision).findAll(x => x->precision.isStr).toRecList.map(x => x.diff({precision:x->precision.parseNumber})).commit


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