FIN Errors
FIN Errors
Below are a list of errors some may come across and what they mean.
1) haystack::UnknownNameErr: id Error
If you get the below error when expanding equips, its likely due to some of the records not having the correct references to their upper hierarchy. For example, points might not have correct siteRef or equips not having correct floorRef etc.
ver:"2.0" errType:"proj::EvalErr" err errTrace:"proj::EvalErr: Func failed: watchOpen(Grid grid,Str dis); args: (GbGrid,Str)\n haystack::UnknownNameErr: id [eval:1]\n proj::FanSysFunc.call (SysFunc.fan:105)\n proj::Fn.callLazy (Fn.fan:55)\n proj::Call.eval (Call.fan:38)\n proj::Context.evalExpr (Context.fan:300)\n proj::Context.evalAt (Context.fan:292)\n proj::Context.eval (Context.fan:250)\n proj::Context.evalToGrid (Context.fan:310)\n
2) axon::EvalErr: sys::CastErr: java.lang.ClassCastException [finStackMobile::finSummaryJson:89]
If you get the below error when opening a summary pop up, its usually when you have numeric points in the summary that have the precision tag as a string instead of as a number. Once the tag is updated, it would resolve it and open the summary.
ver:"3.0" errType:"axon::EvalErr" err errTrace:"axon::EvalErr: sys::CastErr: java.lang.ClassCastException [finStackMobile::finSummaryJson:89]\n Trace disabled" dis:"axon::EvalErr: sys::CastErr: java.lang.ClassCastException [finStackMobile::finSummaryJson:89]"
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