J2 Customer Service Desk Guide
Technical Support
The J2 technical support team prides itself in providing top quality support in a timely & efficient manner.
- 1 Technical Support
- 2 J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk
- 2.1 How to Log in to the Customer Service Desk
- 2.2 How to Submit a Ticket
- 2.2.1 General Guidelines
- 2.2.2 Documentation Request
- 2.2.3 Technical Support Request
- 2.2.4 Bug Request
- 2.2.5 Suggested Improvement Request
- 2.3 How to Review Existing Ticket
- 2.4 Customer Ticket Review and Options
- 2.5 General Support Guidelines
- 2.6 Ticket Status
- 2.7 SLA’s
Organization Requirements for receiving technical support:
Must be an authorized FIN Distribution Partners (with active kit status)
orMust be an authorized FIN Reseller (with active kit status)
If an organization requires technical support and is not an authorized FIN Distribution Partner or authorized FIN Reseller the organization's representative should contact their Distribution Partner (for resellers) or contact J2 Innovations at support@j2innovations.com (for distribution partners).
If Kit status has not been renewed or inactive you must contact one of the following:
FIN Distribution Partners: must contact Sales at sales@j2inn.com
FIN Resellers: must contact their FIN Distribution Partner. If you do not have a partner, contact sales@j2inn.com
Account Registration
In order for an organization to utilize the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk and receive support, they will need to have individual user accounts registered into the portal.
Verified Support Contacts: Individual accounts registered into the portal are considered Verified Support Contacts that have the ability to contact, submit and receive technical support directly from J2 Innovations team through the portal or via email.
Account Max Limit: The maximum amount of Service Desk accounts available to each Partner is based on their Distribution Kit level.
How to register and become a verified support contact
Send Registration Request: In order to register an account into the customer portal, an organization representative should either contact their J2 sales rep or send an email to support@j2innovations.com requesting registration. The email should include the following for each account being registered into the portal:
Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Open Registration email: Once J2 Innovations adds the requested support contact(s) into the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk, an email will be sent to the assigned email address with a link for the requested support contact(s) to verify and officially register their account. Click on the Sign-up link to begin completing your registration.
Complete Registration Sign-up: Once the sign-up link is clicked on, a new tab will appear asking the support contact to submit their full name and desired password.
Registration complete! Once the support contact has submitted their full name and password, the registration will be complete and the user will be considered a verified support contact and should now have access to the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk features.
How to Contact Support
J2 Innovation Technical Support is managed through the customer service desk portal. Users may submit tickets using either of the following methods:
Customer Service Desk: Submitting a ticket via the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk Portal (preferred method)
Direct email: Submitting a ticket by emailing servicedesk@j2innovations.com (alternate method)
J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk
The J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk is a dedicated technical support portal in which authorized FIN users can submit and review existing tickets, ticket statuses and ticket priorities. The section below will go over the different features offered in the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk and how to utilize them.
How to Log in to the Customer Service Desk
In order to log in to the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk the user should do the following:
Open the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk portal login page
Enter your email address and password
How to Submit a Ticket
General Guidelines
Creating the ticket:
Please be sure to fill the “Affect versions” field.
Please be sure to fill the “Share with” field selecting your organization.
In the “Description” field please describe the issue/question in depth, trying to be as detailed as possible.
Reviewing the ticket:
After a solution has been provided by the support team the user should test that the issue is solved. Please provide feedback if the solution provided worked so that the support team can resolve and close the ticket.
Documentation Request
Documentation tickets are used to update the existing FIN documents or add a new section. This is not for asking general questions about the product or how to do a specific task.
Log into the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk
Select the documentation option
Summary: Make sure to include what changes or additions you would like to see in the documentation.
Description: Describe in detail what you would like to see updated or added in the documentation.
Attachment: Optional, can screen capture to show where to update or add the documentation.
Share With: Select your organization.
Click send
Technical Support Request
This type of ticket is used to ask questions to the J2 technical Support Team. Below are detailed instructions to follow in order to help resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Log into the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk
Select the Technical Support option
Summary: A title that is a condensed version of the question or issue
Description: Outline the steps that were performed to get the issue. If asking a question, be as detailed as possible.
Attachment: This is where you can add screen captures, video, log, and wire shark captures (BACnet) related to the question or issue.
Priority: Set the priority of the ticket as accurately as possible. When the support agent reviews the submitted ticket the priority might change to better reflect the nature of the request.
Affects Version: The current version that you are using.
Share With: Select your organization.
Bug Request
This type of ticket is used to report a defect in the product to the J2 technical Support Team. Below are detailed instructions to follow in order to help resolve the issue identified as quickly as possible.
Log into the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk
Select the report a bug option
Summary: A title that is a brief explanation of the issue
Symptom: Should include the following:
Description: a more in-depth explanation of the issue
Steps to reproduce: step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue
Actual result: how the software/issue is behaving currently
Expected result: how it should behave
Attachment: This is where you can add screen captures, video, log, and wire shark captures (BACnet) related to the question or issue.
Priority: Set the priority of the ticket as accurately as possible. When the support agent reviews the submitted ticket the priority might change to better reflect the nature of the request.
Affects Version: The current version that you are using.
Share With: Select your organization.
Suggested Improvement Request
Suggested improvement submissions are tickets for a potential new feature or improvement to an existing feature in the software.
New feature: a feature that does not already exist.
Improvement: an enhancement to a feature that already exists.
Log into the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk
Select the Suggest Improvement option
Summary: A brief summary of the new feature request or improvement
Description: Describe in detail what you would like to see enhanced or added. How would the enhancement or new feature help? What is the use case? Make your case here for the benefits of the suggested improvement or enhancement.
Attachment: This is where you can add screen captures, video, log, and wire shark captures (BACnet) related to the ticket.
Priority: Set the priority of the ticket as accurately as possible. When the support agent reviews the submitted ticket the priority might change to better reflect the nature of the request.
Affects Version: The current version that you are using.
Share With: Select your organization.
How to Review Existing Ticket
Log into the J2 Innovations Customer Service Desk
Click on the request icon in the top right corner and select the appropriate request type.
A list of submitted tickets and status will be available to view. You can review the definition of ticket status here
Customer Ticket Review and Options
Once a ticket has been submitted you can review, update, share with, escalate, and comment.
Activity Section
The Activity section displays various ticket activity logs, including status changes, comments and any responses from other ticket participants including the J2 support team.
Shared With:
In this field, you can view which contacts & organizations the ticket is shared with and also allows you to add other contacts within your organization as ticket participants.
In this field, you can view the ticket status and also have the option to turn notifications on and off. Tickets set to the “New Tickets” status also allow you the option to escalate/cancel a ticket request.
Canceling a ticket request is only available when the ticket status is “New Ticket”. Once a Technical Support Agent begins working on the ticket, you will no longer have the option to cancel the ticket.
Request Type
Defines the ticket request type. Example request types would be: Bug, New Feature, Support, Service Request.
Fix Versions
The Fix version property defines the software version that the ticket fix is assigned to. The fix versions field is set by J2 innovations.
In some cases, this field will not be defined (if a ‘fix’ is not required) or may be set to a “future release” which indicates that the ticket has been added to the queue, but has not yet been assigned or prioritized to a specific release version.
General Support Guidelines
Check Docs/Videos: Customers should first refer to the docs.finproducts.com or the J2 Innovations YouTube Channel for standard "how to" videos and detailed documentation
Submit a Support Ticket / Contact Support: if customers still cannot find a solution in the docs/video channels, are experiencing issues, or needs additional technical support they can submit a ticket into the J2 Service Desk Portal or contact the Support Team by emailing them at servicedesk@j2innovations.com.
Support Ticket Process: Once a support ticket is submitted by the customer into the J2 Service Desk Support Portal, the ticket will go into a support queue for the support team to review.
Support hours: Regular working hours for Pacific Time (8am-4pm PT) and Central European Time (8am-4pm CET)
Ticket Status
Ticket status is an important indicator to what stage each ticket is in. Below are the different statuses a ticket could have and what that status means.
New Ticket: This status is the initial status automatically given to all tickets that have been newly submitted into the support portal.
Waiting for Customer: This status indicates that the ticket has been responded to by a support agent and is now waiting for the customer to respond.
Escalated: This status raises a ticket to a manager level for review.
In Progress: This status indicates a support agent is actively investigating or working on a ticket.
Pending: This status indicates that the solution for the ticket is waiting for the support team to take action.
Requesting Advanced Support: This status indicates that the support team has requested higher-level assistance from a resource within J2 Innovations.
Grooming: This status indicates that the ticket is awaiting to be prioritized and assigned to a future release.
In Progress-Development: This status is assigned to tickets that are currently being worked on by the J2 development team.
Pending-Development: This status is assigned to a ticket that may not be implemented until a future release by the development team.
Cancel Ticket Request: This status allows the user to cancel a newly submitted request in the event it is no longer need.
Resolved: This status indicates that a ticket resolution has been implemented by the development team but not yet released or that the support agent has provided a solution to the problem and is waiting for a confirmation that the solution was correct before “closing” the ticket.
Closed: This status indicates that the ticket is closed and completed. This means that a solution or resolution was reached and there is nothing more that needs to be done for that ticket.
A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between a service provider and a client. Pre-defined SLA’s have been setup in the Jira Customer Service Desk that track certain aspects of the customer / agent interactions. The main SLA’s being tracked can be seen below:
Time to Resolution
The goal for the ‘Time to Resolution' SLA is to track the time it takes from when an issue is first created to when the ticket is closed. Below are the general timeframes.
Ticket Type | Ticket Priority | Business Days to Resolution |
All Tickets | Blocker | 3 Days |
Bug & New Feature | Severe | 130 Days (6 months) |
Bug & New Feature | Standard | 520 Days (2 years) |
Support | Standard | 21 Days (1 month) |
Time to First Response
The purpose of the 'Time to First Response' SLA is to track the time it takes from when an issue is first created to when the J2 Agent first responds or updates the status of the ticket. Below are the general timeframes.
Ticket Type | Ticket Priority | Business Days to First Response |
All Tickets | Blocker | 1 Day |
All Tickets | Severe | 3 Days |
All Tickets | All others | 6 Days |