Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started

If you are new, haven't had the training, and not sure where to start. Here is a simple general list that will provide some steps on what to do to get started. First, we recommend starting on the main page to get a sense of how to get around. Here is a short video. Once you spend a few minutes doing that and have a better sense of how to get from one place to another, then you can start with the below steps.

Step 1. Bring data into FIN

First, the user will go to DB Builder from the App Selection Menu and select Connectors to add a connector that connects to the data source. BACnet example below.

  • Here is how to Manually Add a connector

  • Here is how to Discover a connector

  • Connecting to something other than Bacnet and Haystack, use the Confluence Search to see if any is available for the connector you wish to use. Here is a List we have.

Once connected, drag your data over to Available Object in DB Builder. Might consider Clone tool before doing so. It covers this step and the next.

Step 2. Tag data

Once the user has imported the data into FIN. Now its time to tag it to benefit from the power of tagging because everything runs off tags. We recommend using Project Haystack as a reference for standard tagging. When tagging, we recommend to tag one type of set of points as a template and then clone that to the rest of that type. So tag one perfect vav as your template and mass apply that to the same type of vav. Repeat for all types of equipment you may have. Below are a few tools that can mass clone tags to speed up the process.

  • Use the Clone tool as mentioned above before this step.

There is no particular order for the rest of the steps. It all depends on what needs to get done first and/or what you can do first. Or some of it might not even be needed/wanted.

Step 3. Create Logic Programs (Sequences)

Here is the documentation for Logic Builder.

Step 4. Create Graphics

Here is the documentation for Graphics Builder on how to create graphics.

Step 5. Create Schedules (Optional)

Here is the documentation for Schedules.

Step 6. Create Summaries (Optional)

Here is the documentation for Summary Builder to be able to create summaries. Once created, they can be viewed in the Summary app.

Step 7. Add Weather (Optional)

Here is the documentation for the Weather. Once added, its recommended to add it to the site so it can be referenced in programs, graphics, or anywhere else if needed.

Step 8. Add O&M Manuals (Optional)

Here is the documentation for O&M Manuals. Here the user can add sequence files, drawings, links to websites, etc.

Step 9. Create Users

Here is the documentation for the Users.

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