Fix Timezone Tags

Fix Timezone Tags

Fix Timezone Tags

We have created this tool to help the user to add the "timezone" tags to every point that does not have one, with just a few clicks and the points will automatically sync with the site

How to use Fix Timezone Tags

1. The user will have to select on the Debug application which is under the Advanced Apps section

2. Once selected, the user will be displayed with a menu on the right which where they will have to select on the Lint option

3.  The user will be displayed with a pop-up window called Lint Output

  • The user will be displayed with a list of points that have a sort of error in them

4. The user will have to select on the Folio application which is under the Advanced Apps section

5. Once inside, the user will have to use the Tool button 

6.  The user will be prompted with a pop-up called Tools where the user will have to navigate to the following: Database Clean Up > Find Timezone Tags

7. Once selected, the user will be displayed with a pop-up window called Find Unique Tags asking if the user wants to fix the timezone tags

  • Depending on the number of points without tags the loading might take longer

8. After the loading ends the user can check in Info-Lint if the errors are still present

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