Graphics Troubleshooting

Graphics Troubleshooting

Graphics Troubleshooting

Below are common issues customers come across when it comes to graphics whether in the viewer or Graphics Builder. We recommend you take a look at the following issues and see if any of them resolve your issue. If you happen to see a different error/issue, go ahead and email us.

Issue 1: Get Error reading FIN|5 File or Error Opening Project

If the user tries to open a graphic to edit it in Graphics Builder and gets the below error, it means the file is corrupt. It's very rare for that to happen but in the past we have seen this occur on slower networks when user initiates a "save" and then leaves the page before it could completely save. Could be something completely different that caused it. It's hard to say exactly without details. To resolve this, we would use an older snapshot to find the graphic, download it, then re-upload it to the latest snapshot. To avoid overwriting the current database with an older snapshot, you can maybe start a new project or transfer to different laptop that has engineering tool. If you want to send an older snapshot to us we can backup the old graphic and send it to you. Let us know.


Issue 2: Point displaying incorrect values, or not updating, or point degrades

If the user sees incorrect values, or not updating in graphic but does in DB Builder, or point degrades then they would want to look at this doc on how to debug and resolve their issue Point Resolve.

Issue 3: Points not showing up in the wizard whether creating a new graphic or adding points when in Graphics Builder

If the user encounters this, it could be that the unit tag is being used as a marker tag. The unit tag is reserved for number type points to state the unit of measurement. Run this query to check the project if any point is using the unit tag as a marker tag and fix them.

readAll(point and unit).findAll(pt => pt["unit"] == marker())

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