BACnet COV & Polling

BACnet COV & Polling

BACnet Tuning Tags

These can also be found in the local FIN instance by going to Host → Docs → Docs tab (towards the right) → select bacnetExt pod and under the Defs section.

bacnetAlarmPid - Number type

It specifies the connector will only handle alarms associated with that process identifier. If the tag is missing then the connector will handle alarms associated with any process identifier. The tag goes on a tuning policy, which then the tuning policy is applied to the connector.

bacnetCovResubscribeTimeout - Duration type

Applied to ConnTuning specifies when the COV re-subscribe should be performed for points that failed to be subscribed. Works in ConnTuning applied on point or on connector, if both are present the tag value from the point's ConnTuning will have priority. Value must have time unit. If not configured it defaults to bacnetCovTimeout value.

bacnetCovTimeout - Duration type

Applied to ConnTuning to specify the lifetime for a COV subscription sent to the device. After this timeout the COV status for all points in a connector will be revised and try to re-subscribe, even failed points if bacnetCovResubscribeTimeout has passed. A value of 0 means an infinite lifetime and no re-subscription will be performed. Works in ConnTuning applied only on connector. If these is a ConnTuning applied on point then its tag value will be ignored. Value must have time unit. If not configured it defaults to 10min.

bacnetDisableCov - Marker type

Applied to ConnTuning to disable the COV for a specific point or all the points in a connector. Works in ConnTuning applied on point or on connector, if both are present the tag value from the point's ConnTuning will have priority. If not configured it defaults to false.

bacnetEnableOutOfService - Marker type

Applied to ConnTuning will enable getting the overridden value for points that have the BACnet OUT_OF_SERVICE (Remote Disabled) status flag.

bacnetInitInterval - Duration type

Applied to ConnTuning to tune the duration between driver re-initialization. When learning, the driver will cache the learned object for the period of time specified by this. If not configured it defaults to 15min. Any learn operation, after this period expires, will re-fetch the whole remote device object structure.

bacnetUseConfirmedCov - Marker type

Applied to ConnTuning to make the COV subscription mechanism to use confirmed COV messages. Works in ConnTuning applied on point or on connector, if both are present the tag value from the point's ConnTuning will have priority.

Connector & Point Details

The connector details can be found through the Debug Info. It will specify how many points are in COV (working), how many are in Polling_Fallback, and how many are failed, meaning COV subscription failed and were not set up to fallback to Polling, with the help of these entries:

  • covSubcribed: 2

  • covFallBack: 4

  • covFailed: 3

The point details can be found through the a Point Debug Info. It will specify if the point is in COV (working), or in Polling_degraded (from COV), or failed (COV subscription failed and no poll fallback), or Polling (was set put in polling from the start) with the help of these entries:

  • isPolling: true / isFailed : true  /  isCov:  true

  • isPollingDegraded: true / false

  • watchStatus: "isCov" / "isPollingDegraded" / "isFailed" / "isPolling"

If BACnet COV subscription fails the point fallbacks to polling mode. The isPolling above would be set to true.

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