


Stackhub allows users to install, update and manage pods.

Using StackHub

To access Stackhub just click the option in the right menu, under Advanced Apps.

Stackhub options

Clicking the StackHub button will reveal the following options:


1. Clicking login will launch the Login to StackHub prompt, where the user can input the StackHub user and password

2. After the credentials are input click the Login button to complete the process

3. Once logged in, the StackHub username will be displayed and the Login button will be replaced with Logout.


Install Pods

This allows the user to install available pods. Clicking it will display the Install Extensions form.

After selecting any or all the extensions available clicking the Next button will install them. These will appear in the menu window, under the Extension divider.

Extensions displayed are color-coded:

  • Those for which a newer version is available, will have their version number shown on a red background
  • Those for which no update is available will be green.

Update Pods

This helps to manage the process of pod updating selecting it will display a form Update Extensions showing a list of Pods that can be updated

After selecting any or all extensions, the user will click the Next button which will display a  confirmation window. Clicking Update will complete the process.

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