

The Debug app allows the user get more info in regards to the installed version of FIN Stack and the hardware on which it is installed. This is very helpful when trying to debug an issue.


1. The user will need to select on the Debug app underneath the Advanced Apps in the menu

2. Once selected, a side menu will appear on the right-hand side. The user will be listed with various options as shown below

Debug Properties

There are two main sections in the Debug App - Info and Tools 


The Debug Info is divided by the following:

How to Use

If a user wants to get information for a particular option, they will just need:

1. Select on an option - any underneath the info section

2. Once selected, it will yield a pop-up in the middle

  • The user is able to copy the text if they want to paste it on a word document


The tools section contains the following:


Lists the number of pods installed on the Finstack Platform

How to Use

1. The user will need to select on the Pods section, this will list all the pods installed along with the version number on the right-side.

2. After selecting one of the pods, it will launch a Pod Viewer window containing detailed information

Point Status

Lists the points in the current project sorted by their status.

How to use

1.  The user will need to select on the Point Status section, it will list all the points that have an Okay status

2. If the user selects on the Ok option, it will show a list with all the points currently under that status

  • The user can select on the points and be displayed with the following options - Points and Bubble


Clicking on point will display that point's debug information.


The Bubble button will launch the Magic Bubbles with options related to that point.


The Log menu is the section that displays all the log messages. This is very useful to check errors and debug issues.

The log messages can be viewed under 2 categories, By Level or By Message:



The Lint sub-menu will display a list of all the errors and warnings that have been triggered by the running software.


The Threads menu will display a CPU Thread Dump- useful for troubleshooting.


Report option will display a concise report of the FIN Stack installed version, hardware usage, and database size.

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