- 1 Notes
- 2 Using Notes
- 3 Notes Tools
- 3.1 New Note
- 3.2 Assigned To
- 3.3 View Comments
- 3.4 Status and Assign
- 3.5 Add Comment
- 4 Delete notes
The Notes app allows the user to create and view notes within the project.
Using Notes
To use the Notes, just select the Notes app on the menu.
1. Select the App Launcher icon on the top left
2. Select the Notes tile under End User Apps
3. Once selected, the Notes drawer will open. It will contain a list of notes based on the context of where the user is in the navigation level.
Notes Tools
New Note
To create a new note:
1. Select the on the top left corner
2. A new window called Create Note will pop up to create the new note
The new window has the following properties:
Note Title (required): here the user will set the note title
Comment (required): when this tab is selected, the actual content of the note can be imputed
Assign (optional): in this view, the user can select from all the existing users in the database to assign too
Tags (optional): when this tab is selected, the user can add tags to the note by checking the desired ones from the list (for Subscriptions purposes)
3. When all the information has been filled in click Create and the new note will be added to the list view.
Assigned To
To view notes assigned to a particular user:
1. Select a user from the Assigned To dropdown
2. Once it is selected, a pop up called Select User(s) will appear
Choose which notes to see based on which user’s are assigned to
3. After done selecting click on Apply
The notes assigned to the selected user will appear in the notes mini app view
If none are assigned to the user, none will appear
4. If want to view all notes after selecting a user:
Select Assigned To and don't select a user, then click the Apply and it all the notes will display again
View Comments
To view the current comments on a note if any:
1. Select the bullet list button
2. Once the icon is selected, the comments if any will appear below that note.
Status and Assign
To view the status of note, look at the middle icon that can be either a check mark or opened lock.
If it's a check mark , it means its currently open and indicating if a user wants to close it
If its an opened lock , it means its currently closed and indicating if a user wants to open it.
If its currently open:
Can update the note either by re-assigning to another user or closing the note.
If its currently closed:
Can open and assign it to a user.
Add Comment
To add a comment to an existing note:
1. Select the comment icon button
2. Once selected, an Add Comment pop up will appear that allows to add a comment
Delete notes
To delete a note the system integrator will need to do the following:
1. Select the App Launcher icon on the top left
2. Select the Folio tile under Advanced Apps
This will open a drawer with the following options: Close, Launch, Menu
3. Select the Launch option to open the Folio application
4. Type the following query: note
This will display all the entries with the
5. Select one or all entries to delete by clicking on the checkbox next to it
6. Select the Edit button then the Delete option
7. To check the result, query the note
 tag and the deleted notes will be gone
The reason we don't recommend the user to remove them from the app is that they are meant to be for historical purposes