O&M Manuals

O&M Manuals

O&M Manuals

We created O&M Manuals for users to be able to upload useful files for a job. For example sequence of operations or link to a website or other useful info.

Using O&M Manuals

To use the O&M Manuals, just select the O&M Manuals app in the menu.

1. Select the App Launcher icon on the top left

2. Select the O&M Manuals tile under End User Apps

3. Once selected, it will open the O&M Manuals view where it will:

  • Display the different types of categories that the files are in based on the context of the navigation level

  • Able to select one of the categories to find the files, then select the file to view it

O&M Manuals View Options

View All

Displays all the files on that project. It’s divided in folders by categories, each folder contains a list of files.

To access a file, click on the respective folder then click on the file to open. This will launch a drawer with three options: View, Edit, and Delete


Will open the file in a new tab.


Will launch the Edit O&M Resource form allowing to modify any details of the file(name, filter, content type, path). Alternatively, a completely new file can be uploaded.


Launches the Delete prompt, allowing users to delete the entry.

Add New

This allows the user to add a new resource

1. Click on Add New Option

2. The form Add O&M Resource will open.

3. After the form is filled out, click on the Add button to create the entry


This allows the user to add and manage folder paths for resources.

1. Click on the Organize option

2. Select the item to organized, then type on either of the following:

  • The name of the folder that will contain the items

  • a (-) in front of an existing folder path to remove it

3.As shown below, the items that were selected in the Organize Folder path form are organized under the Main Folder

Folio Query

1. Select the App Launcher icon on the top left

2. Select the Folio tile under Advanced Apps

  • This will open a drawer with the following options: Close, Launch, Menu

3. Select the Launch option to open the Folio application

4. Type the following query: contentOn


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