Re-usable Expression Blocks

Re-usable Expression Blocks

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Goal is to create a code expression block that can be re-used in other programs. Code expression blocks use code to complete the logic. 


In this example, lets say we want to create an expression that converts now() into minutes.

1. Create a code expression block and name it accordingly. 

2. Click on the block's name to begin editing.

3. For this to work, now comes in as a "dateTime", which needs to be converted to only be time. This is done via the "time()" function. 

4. After we have the time separated, we need to convert the time to minutes, so this is done via the timeToMinutes() function. 

5. Once the expression code is complete, the macro can be saved to the server by clicking on the "save macro to server" button.

6. You can use this block in any program by searching your available block library.

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