Run FIN through Cmd Prompt

Run FIN through Cmd Prompt

Run FIN through Cmd Prompt

This will walk you through on how to start FIN from the cmd prompt regardless if FIN is installed as a service or not. However, if FIN is installed as a service, it needs to be stopped so that it won’t conflict with the cmd prompt.


  • FIN available whether as service or not. If installed as a service, make sure it is stopped.

  • License in the FIN directory

  • Adjust the Java Memory Heap to account for the project size if it is a large project. How to change this below if needed.

Updating Java Memory Heap

If a large project exists in the FIN directory, usually more than 10K points, it would be best to increase the memory heap. More info about sizing in the System Requirements page.

  1. Navigate to the FIN directory you wish to run and go the etc → sys folder.
    Path should be something like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\FIN Framework\FIN Framework\etc\sys

  2. Open the config.props file on a notepad editor.

  3. Edit the second to last line that looks something like below to uncomment it and change it from 512 to whatever you want to adjust it to.
    What it looks like: // java.options=-Xmx512M
    After changing it, should look something like this but with whatever value you set: java.options=-Xmx2048M

  4. Save the file and that it is. Now when running FIN via a cmd prompt, it’ll utilize this Java Memory Heap size.

Cmd Prompt

Open a cmd prompt window as admin. Then navigate to the bin folder and copy the path to it. (there are other ways to get to it, but going to use this method)

In our case its: C:\Users\Kimberly\Desktop\FIN Framework\bin


1. After copying the folder path, in the cmd prompt enter cd and the path to change directory to that bin folder.

  • Example Cmd: cd C:\Users\Kimberly\Desktop\FIN Framework\bin

2. Then type in the fin command and execute it

  • The default port used is 8080 unless changed (look at Change Port section below on how to change it to something other than 8080 if needed)

3. Once executed, a notification that it has started on port 8080 will be displayed. If port changed, it’ll display specified port.


Connect to it via browser by going to http://localhost:8080. Will be prompted by the login screen where the user can login.

Stopping FIN

To stop FIN from running, either close the cmd prompt or to keep it open to restart again after some changes, hit Ctrl + C and then Y  for Yes or Ctrl + C again and that will stop it. 

FIN already installed as a service

If FIN is installed as a service, it can be stopped and ran via cmd prompt as well. The same steps above can be used to run FIN that was installed as a service. Start from the Cmd Prompt section and then login once executed.

Large Project

If running a large project or handful of them in a single instance will require a higher amount of memory heap size to run. It would be best to run the below command that allows to specify the memory heap size to be used so that it can handle larger projects. The text in bold after cmd is what needs to be modified.

The java -Xmx1024M portion is where the memory heap size is specified. Recommend to increase in increments of 512. Look at System Requirements for project sizing guidance.

cmd: java -Xmx1024M -cp "C:\Users\Kimberly\Desktop\FIN Framework\lib\java\sys.jar" -Dfan.home="C:\Users\Kimberly\Desktop\FIN Framework\lib\java\sys.jar" fanx.tools.Fan finStackHost

Change Port

To run FIN on a different port other than 8080, open the folio.trio file before running FIN.

Path to folio.trio file should be something like this: C:\Users\Kimberly\Desktop\FIN Framework\var\host

Once open, search for “http” section (should be near the top of that file).

Looks something like this.

Switch 8080 port to desired port. Save the changes and then run FIN from cmd prompt.

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