How to Change Port

How to Change Port

How to Change Port

To change the FIN port, the user would do one of the below options either by Host or Manually.


If the user wants to change the port via the host, they can follow the below steps:

1. The superuser would log in to the Host application

  • Note: When the superuser logins into FIN, they are directed to the Host Application

2. Then go to the Settings page and locate the HTTP section

  • In the Host Port, the user will be able to change the port number by changing it in the text input box

4. Then a restart of the FIN service is required. Make sure to include new port in URL.


If the user wants to change the port manually, then can follow the below steps.

1. Right-click on their FIN icon in the notification tray.

2. Stop FIN service

3. Once the user has made sure FIN stopped running, they will have to navigate to the FIN Folder

  • Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\FIN Framework\FIN Framework 5.0.2238

4. Inside of the FIN Folder, the user will have to navigate to the following: var\host\folio.trio

5. The user will right-click on the folio.trio which the user can edit with notepad ++ or visual studio code.

  • In this case, we are going to use the notepad++ application to make the edits

6. Once open, the user will edit the port number to their preference.

7. When the user has changed the port number, make sure to save the changes

8. Now the user has saved the changes, they can start the service and see the changes when they connect to FIN

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