Action Category Permission

Action Category Permission

Action Category Permission

We have created an Action Category Permission tool that allows the user to easily update category levels and/or modify actions from the actions property tag in batch or individual record.

How to use Action Category Permission

1. The user will have to select on the DB Builder application which is under the System Integrator apps section

2. Once inside, the user has to navigate towards the Equip Tree

  • The user will select a type of available site, floor, or equip(s). Its not context based so any level is fine.

3. Once the user has made a selection, the user will have to use the Tools button  which is located on the bottom right of left panel

4. The user will be prompted with a pop-up called Tools where the user will have to navigate to the following: Action Categories > Action Category Permission

5. After Action Category Permission tool has been selected there is going to be a popup called Action Category Permission with the required fields to fill out.

  • It takes a filter that can be of whatever points the user is trying to query for.

Below are handful example filters and what they return. You can use whatever valid filter you want. Keep in mind, whatever you filter will be affected with whatever changes you make.

  • point: Returns all unique actions across the whole database. Looks at all points with actions. (you can use "actions" or "point and actions" as well to return all unique actions).

  • id == @p:demo:r:1eeb0007-121ebcfe: Returns the actions of a single specific point.

  • navName=="Damper": Returns the unique actions of all points with navName is "Damper".

  • point and floorRef==@p:demo:r:1eeaf23d-b2ddf0f3: Returns all unique actions under a specific floor.

  • navName=="Damper" and siteRef->dis=="City Center": Returns all unique actions of points with navName "Damper" and are under the site called "City Center".

  • point and air and temp and zone and sp: Returns all unique actions of points with the tags point, air, temp, zone, and sp.

6. Once the user has entered a valid filter, they would select the Next button to get the below popup that displays the unique set of actions.

The editable fields are:

  • dis (optional): this is the display name of the action. The user can change it if needed.

    • remove action (optional): if the user wants to remove an action, they simply delete the action name entirely.

  • hvac (required if not filled in): this is the action category permission. It works in conjunction with the user action access permission property tag.

    • It determines what the user is able to view based on their permission. Standard default is emergency actions are 9, manual actions are 6, and set actions are 3.

    • The user can choose to change that if needed. If left blank, the user will not be able to see the actions and/or use them.

  • expr (optional): this is what execute the action commands. If the user wants to modify this, they can.

  • order (optional): this is to configure the order of the actions. Its relative to the set of actions on the points. The lowest value means the higher in the actions list it'll appear. If you're fine with the current order when viewing the actions, leave as it to retain the default.

7. Once the user modifies the necessary fields, they would apply the changes.

Action Category Tool doesn't pop up after entering filter

If the user is trying to use this tool and enters a valid filter but nothing happens when trying to proceed to step 6 above, then they must have some broken actions grids in their database. To check and fix this, follow the below steps.

This issue occurs if the user selects the actions value field instead of the dropdown button on the right and then save changes.

1. Open Folio app → Launch

2. Run this query: readAll(point and actions).findAll(x=> try do x->actions.ioReadZinc; false end catch true)

3. After running that query, it will return all points with broken actions. Those will need to be fixed before the tool can work

4. Select one of the points returned in the list and select pencil icon to edit it

5. Then in the property editor select the dropdown arrow next to the "actions" tag value to open the editor

6. Then the user can expand the editor. Notice how the actions list is one long continuous line wrapping in the text box? That is why its breaking, it needs to be properly formatted.

7. Edit the actions to look like below with new lines for each action. In our case the "hvac_finCat" tag column is first so I hit enter before each number. The order of the tag columns doesn't matter as long as everything is proper and valid. If you don't have the "hvac_finCat", that is fine just make sure the format is similar.

8. Once fixed, select Ok and Apply changes. Then if you have multiple points with this issue, you can clone the actions tag to those that are the same so that you don't have to do each one manually.

9. Once done fixing all of them, you can then use the tool to apply the permissions or modify them how you want.

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