Point Numbers to Equip

Point Numbers to Equip

1. Select a point in the equip
2. Select the tool (notice it fills in the filter as every point within the equip you're in)
It's very important here that you spell everything correctly and make sure it's case-sensitive.
- Equip Prefix: What you want the beginning of the equip navName to be. Whatever is at the end of the point name (usually a number) will be what follows (see below)
- Site Dis: The name of the site you want these points to be in (if you spell the name of a site dis that already exists, it will add the existing site as the siteRef
- Floor Dis: same as above but for floors
- Preview: will actively populate a preview if you change the equip prefix so you have an example of what the first equip's navName will be
3. After you click apply, another form will pop up to show you what changes you're about to commit, if you're sure, continue.

4. You will see your equips built for you
5. Now you can just use advanced tag editor or apply batch tags to batch change the navNames of the points so they're all relative