Add Points to Schedule

Add Points to Schedule

Add Points to Schedule

We created Add Points to Schedule tool that allows the user to add new schedulable points that haven't been linked to an existing schedule.

How to use Add Points to Schedule

The user will go to the Schedules App.

Then they will select a schedule they would like to add schedulable points too and to find the Tools option on the slider menu of that schedule.

Once Tools option has been selected, they will find Add Points to Schedule tool.

The user will then select the Add Points to Schedule tool.

Then from this window, the user can select which points they would like to add.

The user can tell which points are already linked to a schedule and which ones aren't by looking to the right side of the point. If a point is linked to a schedule, it will display the schedule name in parenthesis next to the point. If not, then that point isn't linked to any schedule. As you can see in the screenshot above, City Center Vav-02 Occ Mode isn't linked to a schedule. So we would select that one and hit OK and thats it.


In order for the points to appear in the Add Points to Schedule, they must already be configured as schedulable. They need to have the number property tag called schedulable and level of 2-7 or 9-16 to be written too. Recommended level is 15, which is the default.

That can be done on the point itself in the Schedule section or by clone/batch tagging points that need to be scheduled as schedulable:15.

Alternative way to add points to a schedule

Another way to add points to a schedule without this tool is via the Schedules tree in DB Builder. The points must already be configured as schedulable but not assigned to a schedule.

First, navigate to DB Builder.

Then select the Schedules tree.

Once in the Schedules tree view, the user will select the “Search” button at the bottom bar of the right side.

That will display all the available schedulable points on the top portion of the view. The lower portion view displays all the available schedules. The user can drag any of the schedulable points and drop on a schedule of the same type.

The user will then be prompted with a warning, letting them know that they will be assigning specified schedule to selected points.

Once applied, that’s it. The point(s) will now be assigned that schedule.

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