How to Setup - Delta Temp

How to Setup - Delta Temp

Upload existing program:

If you are using haystack standard tags and want to set up the program running on vav's, this program will work.

We have a program set up in our demo database for vav's. You can download this program and upload it through the bLine Logic app.

If you want to run this program on a different equipment, you can still upload this program and simply edit the run-on conditions.

Set up program manually:

Create program with a name and which equipment to run on.

In your vars panel, click on 'var from template'.

Click on one of the equipment you are running on. You'll only have to pick one because your selection will be relativized based on tags. Then click Next.

Now that you have your two variables, you still need to create a variable for your delta temp.

The two ways you can do this are:

  • Creating a fake point (which will take up a cap per each of your equipment)

  • Creating a property tag (which will take up NO caps)

In this case, we will create a property tag on each equipment. Note: This WILL work on your graphics; You CAN bring in a property tag to use in FINBuilder.

Creating the deltaTemp variable

Add a 'Point/Tag Var':

Replicate this template image below in your configuration for the tag.

Creating the Logic

The simple logic goes as follows:

Now you can see the tag on all of the equipment you ran the program on.