Axon Queries and How to
Examples and How To write Axon queries
Name | Axon query | Description |
Find Unused Bacnet Connectors |
| Finds all bacnet connectors that are not being used |
Contains Search | Examples:
| looks for records that 'contain' the text specified in the 'contains' query |
Take point descriptions from the Connector and copy it onto a property tag on the point in FIN Stack. |
| This query takes every point coming from a bacnet connector and adds a string property tag called description and fills in the value of this tag with the description inside the BACnet device. |
priority for points |
| This will show you what level, and who wrote to a certain priority for points. |
create records via commit |
| This will allow the user to add a new record to the dataBase with a dis tag, action string, and a finActions marker |
add / edit tags on records |
| This will let you find a list of records that match the filter (Jason), and it will add the numberTest:88 tag to them. Or it will edit the tag if it already exists. |
Commit Records from Trio or just a grid |
| |
remove tags |
| -rochelle will find and remove all the rochelle tags, that have a jason marker |
delete/remove recrods |
| Finds all records that have the jason marker, and will remove them out of the dataBase. |
keep Cols |
| This takes a grid, in this example I just used the funcs function, and then only kept columns name,lib, and ID |
readAll then Fold |
| This finds all points, that are %, and it gives you the average for the curVal tag. Using the foldCol function. |
foldCols |
| This finds all point and unit, and then keeps just the id, curVal, and hisSize columns. Then it uses a foldCols function, and sums the curVal, and hisSize columns. |
uriPath | `http://host:81/a/b/file.txt`.uriPath | Takes a URI, and breaks out the path into a number of rows |
get date info |
| This query gets the current time, and then formats it so it's Month. |
Time Formats |
| YY Two digit year 07
YYYY Four digit year 2007
M One/two digit month 6, 11
MM Two digit month 06, 11
MMM Three letter abbr month Jun, Nov
MMMM Full month June, November
D One/two digit day 5, 28
DD Two digit day 05, 28
DDD Day with suffix 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 24th
WWW Three letter abbr weekday Tue
WWWW Full weekday Tuesday |
find all discover sessions, or find the devices that were previsouly discovered |
| |
start from a gird |
| Take a grid, and start working with it |
read a string and remove 1st 5 lines, then turn it back into a grid |
| |
Size |
| .size() from the grid will tell you how many rows you have |
First row |
| Gives you the first row |
first and second row |
| [0..1] will return the first 2 rows |
foldCol |
| This takes the area column and folds it using sum |
sort |
| This sorts it by the area column. sortr does a reverse sort |
Rename Col |
| This will rename the column to a different name |
Find a tag on a record ref |
| Finds all equipments and then looks for all of their siteRefs that the tag name dis = Short Pump. The -> is what allows you to goto that siteRefs record and find a tag that matches the dis name |
math on columns |
| Find sites, and do a map, then create a new column called delta, and multiple the area by the storeNum. Then we just keep 4 columns. |
find all tags on a record |
| Find all the tags on a certain record |
Nav Move |
| This uses a equip tree to move on record to a different record. IE... To take a point from one equipment, and move it to another equipment. navMove will look at navMeta, and it will make sure that the correct refs are on each record. |
contains |
| This one finds where the dis name contains "Car" |
sqlConn |
| sql Query that finds all of Assetworks buildings, where it == PHX |
goto and find tags |
| This read something, and find tags, or find refs, and then find tags. |
read point |
| find a point, then goto the equip, then goto the site, and then return the area tag |
try and map |
| What this function does is look and find every point, then use map to go through every row, and goto the equip, then the site, and return the area. The reason I put try there is because it was throwing an error, because one of the rows didn't have an equipRef, so now if it gets an error, it just returns 0. The reason we put area was only because we wanted to name the column in the grid. |
find crap, and use map |
| |
Multiple valuations and comparing each other |
| I fold the first axon query, and then I divide the 2nd axon query by itself. This is just cool :} Understanding maps is very important |
haystackCall |
| |
haystackCall Read |
| |
more |
| |
| finds histories that exist in nHaystack | |
| This let's you read a history from a haystack server, in this case nHaystack, and that do normal history stuff. | |
nav Uri |
| This is the way you can query a point or equip by using the navID... It will check the dis:"" or the navName:"" and return the result. :} |
Sync all Haystack histories |
| This will find all haystack histories, and it will sync them. IE... Pull the history out of the haystack client, and store it in FIN Stack |
finNavChildren |
| This will let you walk the tree |
finNavChildren fo down |
| This looks for the equp tree, and you pass in an ID |
finNavLevels |
| This shows you where you are at in the tree, |
NIagara Haystack query |
| This is how to read n Haystack SiteUri |
Haysatck url query | This is how to query direct from the browser | |
List and function in a list |
| This is a list with functions in them |
| ||
| ||
Dict |
| |
| ||
Grid |
| |
add meta data |
| Run this and you will see how to add meta data to a grid, and how to run a function in a grid |
get Meta data |
| This will get you data from the meta data |
convert units |
| .to converts things. ONly like dimensions. This exists in the units text |
| ||
add unit |
| add a unit or switch a unit with no conversion |
| Time Units- s,min,h,day,wk,mo,yr | |
| I can take today and - it from something else. Very cool | |
read csv file |
| Read csv file in my dataBase |
| ||
| ||
trap |
| get is [] and trap is -> ..... Get |
no exception |
| false makes it not return an error |
| ||
error message |
| Here is how you can throw an error message |
map |
| |
| ||
find the spread of something |
| This is great to see how much something hunted during a certain time. Great way |
find | readAll(site).map row => {dis: row->dis, areaTest: row->area} | |
readAll(site).findAll row => row ->area > 10_000 | ||
find points in every row | readAll(point).findAll row => row->navName.contains("Temp") | find point names by looping through a lot of crap |
add Haystack database | finCreateHaystackDb([@1902cc8c-adde74db], "sep:/" , true) | @... the id of the haystack connector and the true parameter is adding history to the points that don;t have it you can use it without the true part the "sep:/" is needed after Jarmy new changes - this is the default for Niagara and otherwise it can be: "/equip" |
default excluded tags when adding a database | finHaystackExcludedTags() | you will get all the default excluded tags you just need to add a new record in folio with finHaystackExcludedTags and after it the other markers that you want to exclude(so that you add some more to the excluded list) the default excluded ones are: "axSlotPath",axHistoryRef,siteUri,id" |
contains query | connExts().findAll val => val->ext.contains("haystack") | Take a grid, and findAll that contains haystack |
Debugging a connector | logSetLevel("haystack", "debug") | This puts the debugger on in skyspark. You then can look at the data in the console. |
Read Tag Values | readAllTagVals(point and temp and air,"equipRef") | This one will show you all the values of a tag, based on a filter. It will show all the unique values. It's pretty helpful actually |
Lint for a record | lint().find r => r->targetRef == 180082a9-d9aecffe | This will find the record Id for each lint error |
finActionsOn | read(point and actions).finActionsOn() | Now Actions can be dynamic on any record. With a tag called actionsOn see this link for more detail. actionsOn function |
each rec | readAll(point and equipRef->ahuRef->id==@191d48c4-95263c67).each rec => rec.pointEmergencyOverride(67%) | write each point in a readAll |
map example | readAll(point and equipRef->ahuRef->id==@191d48c4-95263c67).map(rec => {result: rec.pointEmergencyOverride(67%)}) | The above each example is better then the above solution which is a map solution. The map solution outputs a dict, so that why we need the { } here |
boxWisker Test function below | readAll(point and sensor and temp and hisSize).map(r=>r.boxWisker(2012-05)) | Make sure the point has a history |
finPointSummary | readAll(site).finPointSummary(ahu and not rooftop,point and summary) | This will let us build a summary page for equipment and points. Kind of like FQL. The function takes 3 paramteres. 1. site or floor, or any record. 2. Takes a filter for equipment. IE... rooftop. 3. Takes a filter for a point. Typically this will be like floorSummary. So the the query to left does this. Finds the first site, and then finds equipment under that site that is an ahu and not a rooftop, then it finds all the points that have a summary tag on it. This will then return a grid with equips as rows, and points as colums |
readAllTagNames find kind | readAllTagNames(point).findAll r => r["kind"] == "Ref" | This will find all the tags, and it will let you find all the ref tags. This will be helpful in our search for tags. |
random grid | ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],i)=>{dis:r->val, value:random(0..100), index: i+1}) | This let's you name a bunch of crap, and get a demo grid that comes out. :} |
week for a year | read(kw and hisSize).hisRead(lastYear).hisRollup(sum,1wk).map((r,i) => {ts: r->ts.format("MMM"), v0: r->v0, week:"Wk " + (i+1)}) | This won't show the right week if you don't do the entire year. IE... |
taskVarTree | taskVarTree(@195357e2-faf5560f,@19042bad-f79d61b9 ) | This query shows you a list of all Points/Tags/ and Variables on a particular program, and target. It finds the target, and then shows every point/tag/variable on the target, then it finds every ref on the target, and finds all of it's points/tags/varaibles. This is used in the UI to be able to auto complete creating variables. The function 1st parameter takes the program ID, the 2nd parameter takes the taret ID. |
do foo:read(projMeta); if (foo.has("dis")) foo->dis else context()->projName end | ||
taskVarsLinkedTo | taskVarsLinkedTo(@19a02c31-673132ee, @19042bad-73b30a28, "cool1") | This function is currently working on 1000, and will tell you all the places that this var is being used in. |
findAll Example | readAllTagNames(point).findAll r => r ->kind.contains("Number") | This is an example on how to go through a grid, and find all things that contains a certain text |
findAll with or | readAllTagNames(point).findAll r => (r ->kind.contains("Number")) or (r ->kind.contains("Str")) | This is an example of a find all with an or. |
nHaystack and haystack Sever | This shows you how to query all the sites in a haystack server. Doing a get out of haystack to fo a filter on points | |
hisRead | http://localhost:85/api/demo/hisRead?id=@Carytown.RTU-1.DischargePressure&range=today | Example of getting a his out of haystack via a get. |
hisRead date range | ||
eval and expr | Axon query in the url | |
set points in monitor mode | taskSetMonitorMode(@19a167ef-14270409, @19042bad-73b30a28, {setPoint: true, zoneTempSp: true, returnTemp: true, blah: true, writeTempPID: true, link1: true}) | This is used in Control logic and it lets you set points into a monitor mode. You can only set 8 points in at once. |
poll the points from monitor | taskMonitorPoll(@19a167ef-14270409, @19042bad-73b30a28, null) | This is how you poll the points in monitor mode |
tasksVarsLinkedTo | taskVarsLinkedTo(@19c3d30f-63117dc0, @19042bad-73b30a28, "zoneTempSp") | This finds all the other programs tasks that are using this Variable. Very helpful for troubleshooting |
programVarLocs | programVarLocs(@19c3d30f-63117dc0) | This finds all the locations in a program that the variable is used, and tells you if it's being set or not. |
one liner if statement | if (read(projMeta).has("dis")) read(projMeta)->dis else context()->projName | if this then tha |
obix Server | /api/demo/ext/obix | This is the path to the obix server. FIN Stack is a obix client and obix server. |
obix server | Server URIsThe following table summarizes the URIs of the Obix server API: Uri Object
------------------------------- -------------
/api/{proj}/ext/obix/ lobby
/api/{proj}/ext/obix/about/ about
/api/{proj}/ext/obix/batch/ batch op
/api/{proj}/ext/obix/watchService/ watch service
/api/{proj}/ext/obix/watch/{id}/ watch operations
/api/{proj}/ext/obix/query/{filter} query recs using filter
/api/{proj}/ext/obix/rec/{id|name}/ record
/api/{proj}/ext/obix/rec/{id|name}/{tag} tag
/api/{proj}/ext/obix/icon/{id}/{uri} icon tunnelling | Here are the options |
query or filter | | This is how you can query obix. query/and it takes a filter |
gridColKinds(grid) | [{dis:"Site-A", area:2300ft²}, {dis:"Site-B", area:3100ft²}, {dis:"Site-C", area:1950ft²}].toGrid().gridColKinds() | This will take any grid and return you a list of the unique tags, and tag counts |
scalar | age:34 | |
dictionary | {jason,brihhhs,name:"ddddd"} | |
list | ["dfsd","dsfsdf","SSSSS"] | |
Grid "list of Dictionaries" | [{age:45,lastName:"Briggs",ahu,temp,sensor},{age:45,lastName:"Briggs",sensor}] | |
Muliple points | readAll(point and equipRef->rooftop and hisSize>20).hisRead(2012-12-01).hisInterpolate() | This shows how you can show multiple points on a chart |
related graphics | readById(@19042bad-0aa06641).finGraphicOn(true) | This function will show you all the related graphics for a record |
grid to commit | ioReadCsv(`io/UF_Devices.csv`).floridaImport() row => diff(null,row,{add})).commit() | this takes a grid, and commits it to the database |
read files out of a directory | ioDir(`io/`) | This let's us read files right out of a directory |
read a bacnet Schedule | read(bacnetConn).bacnetScheduleRead(@pointRef)
read(bacnetConn).bacnetScheduleRead("17:2") | This will read all the events from a bacnet Schedule |
write a weekly schedule to a bacnet Schedule point |
read(bacnetConn).bacnetScheduleWrite(@pointRef,scheduleHis(@scheduleRef,thisWeek() +1day , {timeline}))
read(bacnetConn).bacnetScheduleWrite("17:2",scheduleHis(@scheduleRef,thisWeek() +1day , {timeline})) | This will write all the events for a week into a bacnet Schedule |
finPointSummary | readAll(site).finPointSummary(ahu and rooftop,cmd and point) | Here is a cool way where point summary will just work :} |
zip selected records | ioZipEntry(`io/haystack/`,`/vav.trio`).ioReadTrio() | |
read csv file and return number of unique records | ao: ioReadCsv(`io/test/bacnetList.csv`).findAll(row => row->dis.contains(":")).map(r => {new:r->dis.split(":").get(-2)}).map(r => {test:r->new.split(".").get(-1)}).unique("test").size() | |
rebuildDocs() | rebuildDocs() | This should just do a fresh rebuild of the docs |
finBackupRecord() | finBackupRecord(@Gaithersburg.RTU-1,{files:true, references:true}) | This will create a backup of all the records with the specified equip ref @Gaithersburg.RTU-1 is the equip ref that will be present on all imported files in the graphicOn tag ( graphicOn: "equip and id==@Gaithersburg.RTU-1") |
finRestoreRecord() | finRestoreRecord(@1a026bc8-a4879a4b) | This will restore all the records with the specified id @1a026bc8-a4879a4b is the ref of the backUp created with the above function |
trio and commit it | ioReadTrio(`io/HUEBackup.trio`).toGrid().removeCols(["dis","mod"]) row => diff(null,row,{add})).commit() | remove the dis tag first, before re-committing |
toAlarm() | read(point and temp).toAlarm( "myAlarm", {priority:77,alarmText:"This is a bad alarm",instructions:"1. Do this 2. Do that 3. Also this 4. Foo foo and foo",alarmType}) | this will put a target into alarm. |
toNormal() | read(point and temp).toNormal( "myAlarm", {priority:77,alarmText:"This is a bad alarm",instructions:"1. Do this 2. Do that 3. Also this 4. Foo foo and foo",alarmType}) | This will put the alarm back to normal |
find task for a certain target | tasks().findAll r=> r->targetRef == @19042bad-73b30a28 | |
find alarms by ID/target | navFilter("alarmTarget", readById(@19042bad-1077bbbc), null).alarms(2014-01-29) navFilter("alarmTarget", readAll(equip), null).alarms(today) | Find alarms for a particular target |
Find all alarms today, and the 3rd paramter is the last read timeStamp | navFilter("alarmTarget", null, null).alarms(today,null,"1739583508091440") or navFilter("alarmTarget", null, null).alarms(today,id==@20151006:overHeatedZone.overHeatedZone:1a17dcf9-7f7947ab,"1739583508091440") | The last paramter here allows you to see what alarms are new. The result of this query will give you a new number each time |
How to ack alarms | alarmAck([@20151006:overHeatedZone.overHeatedZone:1a17d935-2e1ab4be,]) | This is how to ack alarms |
find notes for a particular target | navFilter("noteTarget", @19042bad-73b30a28, null).notes({ }).noteSummary | |
find notes that are open for a target | navFilter("noteTarget", @19042bad-73b30a28, null).notes({ state:"open" }).noteSummary | |
delete an alarm or alarms | alarmRewrite({id:@20140226:ddd.testAlarm:19042bad-a440e9b2}) | You can also put that into a list, and delete multiple alarms at a time too |
findAll tags that exist on a grid | finNavChildren("equip",19042bad-73b30a28).findAll r => r.has("schedulable") | This "has" fucntion looks on a grid and figures out if the schelable tag/column exists, and filters out the ones that don't |
findAll and I use not | finNavChildren("equip",19042bad-73b30a28).findAll r => r.has("schedulable") and not(r.has("scheduleRef")) | |
r.dis, finds dis on IDs | readAll(schedulable and point).findAll r => r.dis.lower().contains("Cary") | This finds converts the dis to lower case, and |
keepCols and find enums | readAll(enum).unique("enum").keepCols(["enum"]) | Find all enum points, and return the unique vales of enums, and keep only the enum column |
connector point details | connAppDetails("haystack",1aaa6dcc-238b1ec6) | will return you the details of what's going on with the connector. It tells you if the point is currently in a watch, and what the status of the cur,his, and write is |
taskBundles shows the bundle grid | taskBundle(1aaa1f80-1133a8b3, 1a169f42-a1d26b60, "vavTesting") | taskBundle(programId, targetId, "variableBundleName") |
NavMeta Tag List | finNavMetaTagList(@id) - this will do drillUP by default and not show the values finNavMetaTagList(@id,{values:true}) - this will do drill up by default and show the values of the tags finNavMetaTagList(@id,{drillDown:true}) - this will do drill down and not show the values finNavMetaTagList(@Carytown.Misc.Occupancy, {values:true}) | the id has to be of a site, floor, equip, or point. The goal of this is to show a list of all the possible tags, so that we can let shally use this in an auto complete UI for finding things similiar to what the user picks. IE... If I"m on a Room Temp pont, then I can click batch edit, and it will show me all the tags that I want to search for based on the ROom Temp I'm at. The drillDown is also an autoCOmplete function that Shally can use, that will show us all tags from this point down. It also tells us how many tags there are. |
readAllTagNames(equip).findAll r => r->kind.contains("Marker") | ||
finds all fin files that are using that asset | finAssetUsedBy(assetID) | Given an asset or list of asset records or refs return a grid with fin project records that use those assets |
deletes all finp files and their assets | finFileAndAssetDelete(projects) | Given a finProject or list of finProject records or refs the function will delete the finProject(s) and assets that are use only by this project. Returns a grid with all records that where deleted |
Sample writing axon on one line | do equipSize:readAll(equip); if (equipSize.size() > 250) true else equipSize end | This checks on the server to see if there are more than 250 equips before it returns me all of them. |
Remove Meta ON a Grid. | read(kw and hisSize).hisRead(lastYear).hisRollup(sum,1wk).map((r,i) => {ts: r->ts.format("MMM"), v0: r->v0, week:"Wk " + (i+1)}).addMeta({-ts,-hisEnd,-hisInterval,-hisLimit,-hisStart,-view}).foldCol("v0",max) | |
readAll(haystackConn).each((row) => finNHaystackApplyBatchTags(row->id, "point and axSlotPath", "switzerland", true)) | ||
Read json data | `,5723&entity=album&limit=5`.ioReadJson->results | read json data from Itunes example |
nHaystack search and replace | read(haystackConn).finNHaystackSearchAndReplace("point", "COM_123_", "") | Make sure its a dict, and not a grid. So don't do a readAll. This goes into nHaystack, and finds all points, and searches for COM_123 then it replaces it with nothing. THis edits the point name |
equipment | readAll(what you want to search).map (r => r.set("treePath", getNavURI(r->id, "equip"))) | This is how you can get the equipment path that Rochelle uses for relativized grahics |
find unique tags | finUniqueTags("ahu") | This will find all records with the specified string tag and group them |
bacnet point priority array | bacnetReadObjectProperty(@bacnetConn, "bv1", "priority_array") To just read one value you can do: | This function will give an array with all the priorities and their values for a bacnet point and connector |
Find and Replace | readAll(actions).findAll(r => r->actions.contains("\\\\")) => diff(r, {actions: r->actions.replace("\\\\", "")})).commit | Find and replace in the actions grid. |
Schedule Copy | finScheduleCopyDays(@1b24af89-91f8f414, "tue", "mon") - we copy that schedule from tue to monday finScheduleCopyDays(@1b24af39-10fc2beb, "mon", "workWeek") - will copy that schedule from mon to the hole work week finScheduleCopyDays([@1b24af89-91f8f414, @1b24af6d-4e0962bd], "tue", "workWeek") - this willcopy tue to the hole work week for both schedules | This functions will copy paste one schedule day to another time interval or day |
find and then delete alarms | navFilter("alarmTarget", null).alarms(today).toRecList().alarmRewrite() | This will allow you to delete all the alarms for today |
walks up the tree and shows you all tags and values | read(point and temp).finNavMetaTagList({values:true}) | This walks up the tree from where you are at, and gives you all the tag values |
Walk down the tree and show tags | finNavMetaTagList(@Carytown, {drillDown:true}) | This will walk down a tree and find all the tags. This is used with the filter |
Sync histories for haystack | read(haystackConn).haystackCall("scheduleWrite", scheduleHis(@1b48a018-1a825237, today(), {timeline}).addMeta({id:@S.Winterfell.Equip1.BooleanWritable})) readAll(haystackHis).haystackSyncHis(null) | |
[4,5,6,6,7,7].get(-1) | This will get the index of the list/array | |
This will get the tag value in a dictionary based on tag name | ||
[{age:99,tom:88,show:"Lake"},{age:44,tom:1,show:"Celtics"}].get(0) -> show | This will get the first dictionary, in the list of dictionaries, and then it will return the tag value in the dictionary of show | |
[{name: "j", value: 10},{name: "j", value: 13},{name: "j", value: 14},{name: "j", value: 15}].map r => if (r->value > 13) {name: "new", value: r->value * 2} else r | This will let you map a dict. The map function always returns a list of dictionary's. | |
map on a list with a else [4,45,45,45,567,56].map r=> if (r > 45) "Jason" else "Whalen" | Map a list. Go through each item in the list, and if it's great than 45 then create a new Jason, otherwise create whalen | |
readAll(point and temp and discharge).map r => try {id: r->id, curVal: r->siteRef->area / r->curVal} catch null | This is a map on a list of dictionaries or a grid, and we use the try function to see if a certain value isn't there then just do null. | |
(readAll(point and temp and discharge).map r => try {id: r->id, curVal: r->siteRef->area / r->curVal} catch {id: "nothing", tim:"dfgdfg"}).findAll j => j->id == @1a17dccc-c04ee0b0 | take a grid , use a map and create a new list of dictionaies, then findAll the dictionaies where the value in one of the items == an id | |
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].map() (r,index) => r * index | Get the index of the row you are currently on in a map. | |
find curVal alksdjflks;dfjlk;asd | readAll(demand).findAll() (row => row.has("curVal")).sortr("curVal").get(0..4) | |
Read a file from the bin. | readById(@1b6bd09b-0858a23d).ioBin("file").ioReadTrio() | Just pass the record, and the tag name and it will automatically give you an URI that can go into the ioRead |
read(id==@1b6c4554-4d0b28c8).toRec().ioBin("file").ioReadTrio() | ||
Take a grid, and blacklist a certain about of tags in that list | readAllTagNames(ahu).keepCols(["name"]).findAll(row => (["ahu", "equip"].find(testRow => testRow == row->name)) == null ) | |
Take a list, and blacklist certain values | ["test", "test1", "test2", "test3", "test4"].findAll(row => (["test2", "test3"].find(testRow => testRow == row)) == null ) | |
name contains some in the list | readAllTagNames(ahu).keepCols(["name"]).findAll(row => (["ahu", "equip","id","Ref"].find(testRow => row->name.contains(testRow))) == null ) | |
find and add a tag for something | finUniqueActions(actions).map row => if ((["override", "set"].find(testStr => row->expr.lower.contains(testStr))) != null) {dis:row->dis,expr:row->expr,canHaveDuration} else {dis:row->dis,expr:row->expr} | |
black list if contains, or black list if endsWith | readAllTagNames(ahu).keepCols(["name"]).findAll(row => (((["ahu", "equip","id","Ref"].find(testRow => row->name.contains(testRow))) == null) or ((["Cur", "Write","His"].find(testEnd => row->name.endsWith(testEnd))) == null))) | |
use set to add a key:value to a dict | finUniqueActions(id==1b6d65e9-a963bc7d).map row => if ((["override"].find(testStr => row->expr.lower.contains(testStr))) != null) row.set("canHaveDuration", marker()) else row | |
Set a number property on a dict | {lastName:"Briggs",firstName:"Jason"}.set("age",34) | |
Set a marker on a dict | {lastName:"Briggs",firstName:"Jason"}.set("age",marker()) | |
find tags, then search and replace, and create a filter | finUniqueTags("equip").map row => {count:row->count,markers: row->markers.replace(","," and ")} | |
take navMeta and create a list to see what all is there | read(navMeta).get("equipPath").split("/").remove(0) | |
This one is same as above except it removes the options bracktes [ ] | read(navMeta).get("equipPath").split("/").remove(0).map() row => row.replace("[","").replace("]","") | |
readByIds() | readByIds([@Gaithersburg.RTU-1,@Gaithersburg.RTU-2]) | |
finEquipPontTagClone | finEquipPointTagClone(@1a17da4b-5e0ad22f, vav, [{navName:"DAT"},{navName:"AirFlow"}], {jason,foo,test,myAge}) | This function will look at a equip, and it's points, and allow the user to pick what he wants to clone |
dynamic path in a function for an image | logo: ("/api/" + currentProject + "/rec/myLogo/file").parseUri | put this in a function for dynamic paths. myLogo is the name of the image file |
join or merge, basically join to grids together | readAll(point).keepCols(["id", "curVal"]).join(readAll(point).keepCols(["id", "curStatus"]), "id") | |
read a file out of a pod | http://localhost:8085/pod/finStackMobileExt/mobile/assets/identity/fin_stack.png | |
write Zinc or csv or trio etc without writing to disk | ioWriteZinc(customAhuActions(capitalize(row->kind)), "")) | Leave the string empty and it will just write the string to the blah blah :} |
ioWrite if you leave the 2nd paramter as an open string will just return the string into folio as a val | read(energy).ioWriteJson("") read(energy).ioWriteTrio("") | |
Not Querying Equipment: | finNavChildren("equip",@1a169921-22d9c3b8).findAll(row => not row.has("equip") or not row.has("equipRef")) | |
Querying Equipment: | finNavChildren("equip",@1a169da0-ef590b20).findAll(row => row.has("equip")) | |
try and catch and image | readAll(siteMeter).map(row => row.set("imageRef",try row->siteRef->imageRef catch null)).keepCols(["dis","id","kwhThisWeek","submeterDownCount","submeterCount","meterStatus","siteRef","imageRef"]).sortr("kwhThisWeek").get(0..4) | |
finGridFilter(area > 1000) | finGridFilter(area > 1000) | Now you can use a filter on any grid. Typically you wouldn't do this on a folio database, you would do this on a grid that is not in the folio database. On things like csv files, etc... |
Copy a point to all equip with the "copyTo" tag | finCopyBoundPoints([@1baf7453-3e9a0965], copyTo) | The way it works is that you pass it a list of points that you'd liked to copy as the first parameter, and a query as the second parameter that should find all of the equipment that you'd like to copy the points to. What this does it copy that point to all of the equipment with the "copyTo" tag. This can be any axon filter to select the target equipment. This function can handle multiple points at the same time. by adding them to that list of record ids. |
use equip tree, and find all equips for all sites | navFilter("equip", readAll(site), {targetTag: "equip"}).toRecList | |
use nav tree to find chidren objects | finFindRecordByChildDeep(equip, kw) | If you want to find every equip, that has a point that has kw, then this query will work |
not sure why you would use this one :} | finFindRecordByChild(equip, kw) | Whalen wanted this one, but not sure why you would want it :} This would does exactly the same as the above one, except it only goes 1 level deep. So if you are wanting to find equips that have these points it will work. This one is way more effiecient than the above one, so it's not a bad idea to use. |
find anything in an entire grid | readAll(equip).finFindAnyText("tower vav 1") | |
how to write zinc to string not disk | [{jason:12,frank:12},{jason:12,frank:12},{jason:12,frank:12}].ioWriteZinc("") | Works for json, etc too |
showWatches in Niagara | ||
showPointsInWatch in Niagara | ||
cool | read(his and fan).hisRead(thisWeek).hisRollupAuto(1day).toGrid().map row => {starts:row->v0.parseDiscretePeriods().size(),duration:row->v0.parseDiscretePeriods().foldCol("dur",sum),ts:row->ts} | |
emailTestDigest("alarm") | You can test the digest with this function. It also works for spark and note and alarm | |
topicOn:"topicOn==priority == 107 and targetRef->vav" | topicOn a filter that runs on things, like alarm records. The targetRef just looks on the alarm, then the target and sees if it's a vav | |
read(id==@1c1cd1d0-c583d447).haystackSyncHis() | This will let us do a haystackSyncHis, I think you can read multi points at a time to do this | |
readAll(haystackCur and writable).keepCols(["haystackCur","haystackWrite","id"]) | Query to just see if things are cool | |
readAll(haystackCur and writable) => diff(row, {haystackWrite: row->haystackCur})).commit() | This one will take a tag, and copy to another tag on the same record. | |
() => do
uri: ``
xmlRead(uri) elem => do
{name: elem.xmlElem("name").xmlVal(),
price: elem.xmlElem("price").xmlVal().replace("\$","").parseNumber().as("\$"),
description: elem.xmlElem("description").xmlVal(),
calories: elem.xmlElem("calories").xmlVal().parseNumber,
end | Here is a function that will read xml in FIN STack, make sure that the xml connector is enabled. | |
bacnetReadObjectProperty(@1c8b725d-bae7ed88,@1c8b725d-bae7ed88,"VENDOR_NAME") | This function let's you read any property out of a device. Param-1 is the connector, and the Param-2 is the Connector in this case only if you want to read the properties directly out of the device, if you want to get the properties out of the object like AV-1, then you can enter that too | |
finNHaystackReadUnique(@1c924748-c7555d17, "point", "axType") | This will query Nhaystack and find all points, and show all unique tags that are axType | |
finNHaystackReadSize(@1c924748-c7555d17, "point") | This will do a read count for nHaystack | |
read(point and his and kind == "Bool").hisRead(lastWeek).hisRollup(durTrue, 1day).foldCol("v0",sum) read(point and his and kind == "Bool").hisRead(lastWeek).hisRollup(count, 1day).foldCol("v0",sum) | This is to calculate how long the point has been on/true for specified period | |
haystackCall(read(haystackConn and dis=="localhost_91"), "extended", toGrid([{function:"uniqueEquipTypes",filter:"equip", percentMatch:50}])) | This shows you how to call an op from FIN Stack, and how to pass paramters. This is mainly the extended op functionailty | |
read(haystackConn).haystackCall("read",{filter:"equipType"}) | simple haystack call that is doing a read | |
read(haystackConn).haystackReadAll(point).findAll point=> point.dis.contains("Fan") | contains query for your haystack connector | |
actions 1 for 1 |
"pointSetDef($self, $val)","Set" "haystackInvokeAction($self->haystackConnRef, $self->haystackWrite, \"override\", {value: $val, duration: $duration})","Override" | the 3rd parameter needs to match the name of the action The dictionary needs to match the format of the action in Niagara. This is just the dis for FINStack |
finExec | finExec(`io/finExecProperties.trio`,{foo:5},false) | 1st param = file path 2nd param = declare a variable (leave as null if variables are declared in file). 3rd param = true or false to return or not to return a grid |
readAll(foo).each x => diff(x, {equipRef: read( navName=="Relay "+x->greenMaxRelay.toStr and equipRef==@1d96e8fd-0258991c )->id}).commit | This gets all the points and puts them inside of their equipment foobag | Koppany made this, ask him. |
readAll((equipRef->navName!="AHU-1") and (point and equipRef->ahu)) | This gets the points from every ahu except for AHU-1 | How to do a not using a trap |
finWriteBinTag(rec, tagname, handle, mime) | If you want to write a file to the bin, use this function. It will take the record, the tagName, like file, or foo, and the handle. The handle could be a string, in the case you wanted to write json or something. The mime type is the file type, so it could be a png or binary file etc... The mime type is optional as well. | |
finReadBinTag(rec, tagName) | This will read a file, it will either return a string if the mime type is text, and if it's a binary file it will return the handle. | |
get points that are overridden | readAll(point and writable and equipRef==@1eeb0307-95d36539).findAll(v => v.pointWriteArray().find(r => r.has("val") and (r->level == 1 or r->level == 8)) != null) or readAll(point and equipRef==@1eeb0307-95d36539 and (write1 or write8)) or readAll(point and equipRef==@1eeaff69-30d84ee5 and (writeLevel==1 or writeLevel==8)) | This returns every point that is overridden from priority 1 or 8 on equip. If you want to just count, them then just do .size at the end. The top one includes overrides set with a duration. The middle one excludes overrides with duration. The last one includes overrides set with a duration. |
delete alarms | finDeleteAlarms(today) | this is the function to be able to delete alarms |
Delete alarms based on a filter | navFilter("alarmTarget", null).alarms(today).finGridFilter(alarm and foo).toRecList().map(x=> {id:x->id}).alarmRewrite() |
Send history report (CSV) manually | Example 1: finCsvHisReportCommit("Title goes here", "point and air and temp and zone", "today()", [@u:ricky], "every 1day", {enableRoll:false, fold: "auto", interval: "1min"}, 2) Example 2: finCsvHisReportCommit("Room Temp", "point and fan", "now()", [@u:ricky,@u:support], "every 7day", {enableRoll:true, fold: "avg", interval: "auto"}, 0) | Function parameters: |
(type) => do
if (type == "type) => do
if (type == "scalacalar")
else if (type == "list")
else if (type == "di")
else if (type == "list")
else if (type == "dict"t")
else if (type =if (type == "gri"grid")
[{uri:``,tomAge:2,male:true,lastNameString:"Briggs"}, {uri:``,tomAge:9,male:false,lastNameString:"Whalen"}]`,tomAge:2,male:true,lastNameString:"Briggs"}, {uri:``,tomAge:9,male:false,lastNameString:"Whalen"}]
This function takes a csv file, and creates a grid. Then later I can then create it directly in my database. By usig this query. ioReadCsv(`io/UF_Devices.csv`).floridaImport() row => diff(null,row,{add})).commit()
src) => do row => do
tags: {buildingNumber: row->bldgNumber,
buildingDecription: row-> description,
buildingBAS: row-> bas,
uri: ("bacnet://" + row->ipAddress + ":47808/" + row->deviceInstance).parseUri,
myNum: row->number,
dis: ("Bldg-" + row->bldgNumber + "-" + row->description + " Dev:" + row->deviceInstance).parseUri,
Another function
(num) => do
fileName: ("io/" + grid->dis + ".csv").parseUri
/////// createContacts(10,true,false) This is a sample query.
(contactCount, commitDb: false,deleteMe: false) => do
if (deleteMe == true) doreadAll(testContacts) => diff(r, null,{remove})).commitendelsedo
items: [] // Result Lists - Holds All of the contacts
// Create Contact function - Each time this function is called it creates a new contact and adds it to the items list.
createContact: (contactIndex) => do
// Create Contact Record
item: { firsName: "Tom" + contactIndex.toStr,
lastName: "Cruise" + contactIndex.toStr,
phoneNumber:"555-575-000" + contactIndex.toStr,
// Add new contact record to the items list
items = items.add(item)
// Call Create Contact n number of times.
times(contactCount, createContact)
if (commitDb == true) => diff(null, r,{add})).commit
items // Returns the items
The below function takes a list, and a setpoint. If the min value is > the setpoint, then the fan is true, else it's false. Below is a sample query.
(list,setpoint) => do
fanStatus: false
minValue: list.fold(min)
if (minValue > setpoint)
fanStatus = true
fanStatus = false
avg:list.fold(avg),point,test,age:99,fan: fanStatus
fanStatus: false
minValue: list.fold(min)
if (minValue > setpoint)
fanStatus = true
fanStatus = false
avg:list.fold(avg),point,test,age:99,fan: fanStatus
Simple Simple fuuncctionion
(li(list) => doavg: lt) => doavg: list.fold(avg)
max: list.fold(max)
min: list.foax: list.fold(max)
min: list.fold(min){avd(min){average:avg,rage:avg, maximmaximum:max, mim:max, minimum:mimum:min}
** Demand Response function for a grid of sites
** Demand Response function for a grid of sites
(sites) => do
grid : []
sites.each(site => do
name : site->dis
area : site->area
address : site->geoAddr + ", " + site->geoCity
currentKw : read(kw and siteRef->id == site->id, false)
currentKw = if(currentKw != null)currentKw->curVal else 0kW
drStartKw : if(site["drStartKw"] == null) 0kW else site["drStartKw"]
drTargetKw : if(site["drTargetKw"] == null) 0kW else site["drTargetKw"]
drReducedKw : if(drStartKw == 0) 0kW else drStartKw - currentKw
drReducedKwPercent : if(drStartKw == 0) 0% else ((currentKw / drStartKw) (sites) => do
grid : []
sites.each(site => do
name : site->dis
area : site->area
address : site->geoAddr + ", " + site->geoCity
currentKw : read(kw and siteRef->id == site->id, false)
currentKw = if(currentKw != null)currentKw->curVal else 0kW
drStartKw : if(site["drStartKw"] == null) 0kW else site["drStartKw"]
drTargetKw : if(site["drTargetKw"] == null) 0kW else site["drTargetKw"]
drReducedKw : if(drStartKw == 0) 0kW else drStartKw - currentKw
drReducedKwPercent : if(drStartKw == 0) 0% else ((currentKw / drStartKw) * 100).to("percent")
id : site->id
image: readAll(file and graphicOn and graphicOn != "").find( r => do
i : readAll(parseFilter(r->graphicOn, false)).find(c => c->id == site->id)
return (i != null)
imageURL : if(image == null) null else parseUri("" + image->id + "/file")
row : {
"name" : name,
"sqFt" : area,
"addess" : address,
"currentKw" : currentKw,
"drStartKw" : drStartKw,
"drTargetKw" : drTargetKw,
"drReducedKw" : drReducedKw,
"drReducedKwPercent" : drReducedKwPercent,
"image" : imageURL,
"id" : id
grid = grid.add(row)
return toGrid(grid)
end 100).to("percent")
id : site->id
image: readAll(file and graphicOn and graphicOn != "").find( r => do
i : readAll(parseFilter(r->graphicOn, false)).find(c => c->id == site->id)
return (i != null)
imageURL : if(image == null) null else parseUri("" + image->id + "/file")
row : {
"name" : name,
"sqFt" : area,
"addess" : address,
"currentKw" : currentKw,
"drStartKw" : drStartKw,
"drTargetKw" : drTargetKw,
"drReducedKw" : drReducedKw,
"drReducedKwPercent" : drReducedKwPercent,
"image" : imageURL,
"id" : id
grid = grid.add(row)
return toGrid(grid)
This is a function we wrote with Assetworks that allows you to create a chart. The data is in a grid, so we still need to make a chart.
If you want to run this normally in folio us this query.
read(point and sensor and temp).boxWisker(2012-05)
The below query will take a list of point, and then go through every row, and run the boxWisker() function
readAll(point and sensor and temp).map(r=>r.boxWisker(2012-05))
(point,dates) => do
//values : [2,4,5,3,56,12,88,89,96,97,98,97,98,99,100]
//values : [6,6,7,8,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90]values : point.hisRead(dates)
dis: point.dis
min: values.foldCol("v0", min)
max: values.foldCol("v0", max)
medianVal : values.foldCol("v0", median)
q1 : values.findAll(v => (v->v0 < medianVal))
q3 : values.findAll(v => (v->v0 > medianVal))
q1Median : q1.foldCol("v0", median)
q3Median : q3.foldCol("v0", median)
q1Size : q1.size();
q3Size : q3.size();
{name: dis,min: min, max: max, median: medianVal, q1Median: q1Median, q3Median: q3Median}
dis:FIN Energy kw to kwh
job:readAll(point and power and equipRef->elec and equipRef->meter).map(finEnergyKwTokwh).each(row => try pointSetDef(row->targetId, row->val) catch null)
jobLastTime:2014-10-21T13:23:21.315-07:00 Los_Angeles
jobSchedule:every 1hr
//////readAll(point and power and equipRef->elec and equipRef->meter).map(finEnergyKwTokwh).each(row => try pointSetDef(row->targetId, row->val) catch null)
////// This is designed to run in a job every hour. It takes finds a point ender a elec meter, and it finds the point that is power (kw), and it reads the last
////// hour of data and calculates the avg, which is power (kwh), then it writes the value to the point default value. The power point (kwh) should be set to collect histories
(rec) => do
hisGrid: rec.hisRead(now(),1hr).hisClip()
list: hisGrid.toRecList
point: try list.get(0) catch null
if (point == null)return {id: null, val: 0}
kwh: point.get("v0").as("kWh")
pointCol: hisGrid.col("v0")
target: read(energy and equipRef == pointCol.meta->equipRef, false)
targetId: null
if (target != null)targetId = target->id
{id: pointCol.meta->id, val: kwh, targetId: targetId}
siteMeterKwhWrite ---- ex: siteMeterKwhWrite(thisWeek)
What this function takes a date range and then takes the last record minus the first record then it will write to a property tag on your siteMeter with "kwh" in front of whatever you typed within the axon. For example the one above was for thisWeek so it will write to a property called kwhThisWeek
(rangeFunc) => do
meters: readAll(siteMeter)
rangeFuncName: rangeFunc.toStr[0..-3]
rangeFuncName = "kwh" + rangeFuncName[0..0].upper + rangeFuncName[1..-1]
meters.each(meter =>
kwhPoint: read(kwh and equipRef == meter->id)
kwhTrend: kwhPoint.hisRead(rangeFunc).hisClip().toGrid()
if (kwhTrend.size > 0)
firstRecord: kwhTrend.toRecList.get(0).get("v0")
lastRecord: kwhTrend.toRecList.get(-1).get("v0")
value: lastRecord - firstRecord
meter.diff({}.set(rangeFuncName, value)).commit()
() => do
siteMeters: readAll(siteMeter)
siteMeters.each(siteMeter =>
downCount: 0
submeters: readAll(submeterOf == siteMeter->id)
submeters.each(submeter =>
kwhPoint: try read(kwh and equipRef == submeter->id) catch null
if (kwhPoint != null and kwhPoint.has("hisEnd") and (now() - kwhPoint->hisEnd) >= 2)
downCount = downCount + 1
siteMeter.diff({submeterDownCount: downCount}).commit
() => do
siteMeters: readAll(siteMeter)
siteMeters.each(siteMeter =>
submeters: readAll(submeterOf == siteMeter->id)
siteMeter.diff({submeterCount: submeters.size}).commit
(numberUnits) => do
currentDate: now().date() + numberUnits;
currentDateTime: now() + numberUnits;
day: currentDate + ", day";
week: currentDate + ", week";
month: currentDate + ", month";
year: currentDate + ", year"
dayString: currentDateTime.format("MMM - DD - YYYY");
weekString: currentDateTime.format("VV - YYYY");
monthString: currentDateTime.format("MMM - YYYY");
yearString: currentDateTime.format("YYYY");
weekStringCol:"Week - " + weekString,
(item, changes: null) => do
dicts: []
if (item.isGrid or item.isList)
if (item.isGrid)
dicts = item.toRecList
dicts = item
if (item.isDict)
dicts.each(dict =>
if (changes != null)
diff(dict, changes).commit()
diff(null, dict, {add}).commit()
Example: ["janLow","janHigh","febLow","febHigh"].each( row => read(meter and foo).finCommit({}.set(row,1)))
function that takes the weather apps sunrise/sunset tag and the condition tag to get a computed tag called “sunny”. So basically if sunrise/sunset = sunrise and weather condition = 1 (clear), then my computed tag “sunny” = true
(theEquip, dates) => do
w: read(id==theEquip->siteRef)->weatherRef
read(temp and weatherPoint and weatherRef==w->id)
(calculateMeteredData) This function gives you the difference in value for each hour then what you can do is you can run a foldCol at the end to get the total value if you want that total.
ex: read(his and kw).hisRead(today).calculateMeteredData
(hisGrid) => do
lastValues: null
result: =>
if (lastValues == null)
lastValues = {}
row.each((value, key) =>
if (key[0] == 118) // "v"
lastValues = lastValues.set(key, value)
return row
row =, key) =>
if (key[0] == 118) // "v"
lastValue: lastValues.get(key)
newValue: value - lastValue
lastValues = lastValues.set(key, value)
return newValue
return value
return row
return row
return result
finCommit example